Ready, Set Go

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We were finally here, we had both finally left are relatives behind to pursue are dreams, to live in the crowded lit up city of Tokyo. The wind blew past me and I watched as hundreds, thousands, of people walked past. Now I was not the type to like crowded cities but Ria really wanted to live in Tokyo and deep down I did want to see what the place was like at night, the lights shining and the cars racing. I definitely wasn't as persistent as Ria, but we had spoken strongly about moving in with each other the past three years and had to come to it one day. Tonight was going to be a big night; Ria had heard that there were car races every night and that two of the most dangerous gangs were battling each other tonight, and Ria being the type to follow danger insisted we go.

"I can't believe were finally here" Ria squealed from beside me, grabbing a hold of my arm and squeezing it.

"Neither can I" I said looking up at all the skyscrapers.

"There's the taxi" Ria said as she grabbed her luggage and started hauling it over to the taxi.

I followed behind, also struggling with all my heavy suitcases "How far is it to the apartment?" I asked while throwing my bags into the trunk of the car.

"About an hour" She said as she hopped inside the car.

I followed suit and buckled my belt after getting in. As we made are way through the city I watched all the cars and people, there were so many people. An hour and 20 minutes later and we were at out new little apartment. It was nothing flash, but it was all we needed to start of our new lives. We entered the house and I ran around curiously like a child "Yes two bathrooms!" I cheered causing Ria to laugh.

I threw my luggage into my room and grabbed the small CD player I brought, I plugged it all in and then put on one of my many CD's to dance around to. I jumped and swayed causing my red hair to whip me in the face now and then, I stopped when I felt a pair of hands on me "Taylor, concentrate, we have to go out now"

"Why?" I asked "We just got here"

"Because we have to find out where the gangs are meeting up"

"What's so cool about these gangs?" I said annoyed at the fact I have to leave the apartment already.

Ria scoffed "They are just the most famous people from Tokyo"

"Then why haven't I heard of them" I crossed my arms and put out my left leg, the way us females do.

Ria took a seat and I stayed put watching her closely "They aren't movie star famous, there only known among racers and Tokyo, most people fear them"

"Who's them" I asked annoyed.

"All I know is there a gang of four men, and they are the most dangerous and feared gang known in Tokyo, they race cars and just have fun I guess"

"So why do you find them so important?"

"Because, you know how I feel about cars, cars are the coolest things ever create by man and to see them guys speed would just be such a rush"

I sighed "Fine" I headed for my room "But I'm getting changed first"

"Stupid Ria and her stupid cars" I mumbled as I rummaged through my suitcases for fresh clothes.

I found my plain brown shirt and dark denim jeans so I threw them on my bed to get changed into. I dressed into the clothes I laid out on the bed and put my boots on under my jeans before brushing my hair, letting it fall below my shoulders.

"You're wearing that" She said gawping at my outfit.

"Sorry to disappoint" I mumbled.

"You should be, go put something skimpy on"

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