Chapter Fourteen

Comincia dall'inizio

''I'm gay.'' I said slowly, gauging his reaction but his expression stayed neutral.

''Yeah, and I'm straight.'' He deadpanned. ''Butt sex, vagina sex, sex with a dining room chair—it's sex. I don't care now give me details.''

''Yeah, no. Let's keep our sexual encounters in the file of never bring up in a casual—or any conversation again.''

''You're no fun.'' He accused. ''I thought once you got deflowered you'd be more fun but then again, you're first time did lead you into pregnancy. That's why I say 'before you tap it wrap it so you don't get trapped'.''

Changing the course of the conversation. ''Where is Carmen?''

''She said she wasn't coming in until later on. I personally think she's on the rag.'' He whispered the last part with distaste. ''Which means more hell upon us.''

I nodded before a thought occurred to me. ''Why...why are you indifferent towards my relationship with Cloud? I mean, Carmen clearly shows her dislike for him but you—you don't comment anything negative.''

Ryder shrugged. ''You're not stupid Terrance and I know you wouldn't get involved with just anyone without having love to back you up. I know you love him and I'm not gonna rain down on your parade but if he does hurt you again, my fist is going up his ass and trust me, it won't be the type of fisting I hear some gay guys like. I'll make it painful.''

I bit into my bottom lip to refrain from bursting into laughter from his seriousness and gave a short nod as the homeroom teacher entered, demanding everyone take out their text books and turn to page fifty-nine which led to groans sounding throughout the class. I sighed, however following the instructions but my mind strayed elsewhere as the teacher began the lesson.

I could still feel the lingering gazes of my classmates and hear faint hushed whispers but I pushed their attention away and settled my attention on my stomach, my hands running over the small bump that would soon become larger as the baby grew. I was nervous, I hadn't the faintest idea of how to raise a child. I didn't have that type of responsibility. I was the youngest child so I never got the experience of taking care of a younger sibling.

So I couldn't help the doubt that weighed down heavily on my shoulders, along with the doubt of Cloud's and I's relationship.

I'd like to think Cloud and I had a stable relationship; that our love would be enough to keep us together and get us past anything thrown our way but I wasn't stupid. Love wasn't the answer to everything as much as stories, tales and myths led us to believe.

I thought coming out together was the answer, was the assurance I needed to prove our relationship was strong but what if after awhile Cloud up and leaves. He runs because he realizes I'm not enough to keep him here?

That thought terrified me.

I probably sounded pathetic but I couldn't picture my future without Cloud. I couldn't see myself happy and moving on with someone else. Cloud owned me, heart, body, mind and soul; and they were his to keep whether he stuck around or not.

I startled from my depressing thoughts as the sound of the bell went off, signaling five minutes until second period started. I sighed, packing up my school work, quietly muttering my departure to Ryder whom went back to chatting up the girl I had saw him with earlier and went my separate way down the busy hall. I decided against going to my next class and instead changed course to the older part of the school building where I sat in the old library.

It was cleared out a few years back with only a few metal bookshelf's lining a walkway towards the back where a bunch of tables and chairs were scattered. It was a rather eerie room but this was the only place in the entire school where faculty and students steered clear, making it the perfect place to skip without getting caught and receiving a detention.

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy (BoyxBoy) (MPreg)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora