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We finally make it to my house in Boston. 

After countless hours of waiting for our flight with Kelsey and Caprice, and then getting on the plane for hours and hours of stressing out - either of us really like to fly, but Megan is on another level - we finally made it here. I let a small sigh out of relief out of my throat when I see my bed awaiting for me to crawl in. 

I wouldn't say things got awkward with Megan. It's just that we haven't kissed in a while, and sometimes she makes tiny moves that she immediately regrets. I know she is a very well-driven person, and that she doesn't want me to think she is using me. She did tell me to go away, and she is aware of that. When she was about to grab my hand only minutes ago, she blushed and put it in her pocket. As much as I want to touch her and kiss her, I know I can't ; I am still hurt with what she said. 

As I am lying down on my bed, I realize she only made it to my room's door, pretty hesitant. She drops her bags on the floor, and puts her jacket with mine. She then looks at me, before taking several steps further. When I sit down on the bed, she surprisingly comes and sits down on my lap, her eyes awfully shy. 

I raise an eyebrow at her. 

"Megan, what are you doing ?" 

She cracks a smile, putting her hands on both of my shoulders. 

"Look" she starts in a sweet voice, biting her lips. "I'll stop being delusional, Kristie. The real reason why I wanted you gone is because there is something about you I find horrifying, and that's just scaring me big time."

Her fingers slowly caress the back of my neck, as I am frowning, not sure to understand what she means. 

"You don't seem that scared right now" I say with sass, only to get on her nerves. 

Her knees are now on fully on the bed, as she is pushing me a little bit higher. Once my whole body is on that bed, she pushes me on my back and looks at me. For the first time, something is lightening her eyes. 

"I am not" she concedes.   

My hands find their way to her waist. 

"Mmh" I let out, thoughtful. "What were you scared of ?" 

Without answering, she takes her t-shirt off, only to wear a bra in front of me. I am quite surprised by her forwardness, and am wondering if she uses this - pretty good - move to distract me. Her eyes indicate desire. 

She then nervously bites her lips. 

"... You ?" 

Damn it, I say to myself, rolling my eyes. In less than a second, I straighten and reverse the situation, her being now under me, our bodies glued to each other. She looks pretty anxious once again. 

I set my jaw. 

"Why ?"

"B-because of the w-way you make me feel..." she shyly admits, trying to look away from me. 

This time, I can't resist her cuteness. Pretending to be in charge here, I lean in and capture her lips between mine. I slowly kiss her lips, with no response from her for several seconds. When she finally moves hers, I lean away, only licking her lower lip. I feel her shiver, and that brings me a brand new satisfaction. 

I smile. 

"And how do I make you feel exactly ?"

While those words were coming out of my mouth, my hand slipped in between her legs, and the leggings she was wearing wasn't enough to alleviate the sensation. When my fingers touched the critical part, she jumped a little bit, her blue gaze on me. I know she wouldn't be able to say anything right now, so I kiss her again, moving my hand slowly. It's my first time doing that to a girl, but I am pretty confident. I always am when I want something. Megan is pretty conciliant, her eyes closing from time to time. I know there is no way she can escape me this time. I mean, my body block her fro moving. 

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