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"Holy Hell"

The voice behind me is a well known one. 

I slowly turn around, to find Hao and Syd, both looking at me with wide eyes. There is a little moment of silence, before Lauren walks in as well, frowning. As I am about to find a lame excuse on why I am here, Abby comes in as well, and my breath is cut short. Did they send them here to execute me or something ? I ask to myself, totally panicked. But after this moment of silence - this endless moment, to say the least - I just see Hao getting excited and both Syd and her jump into my arms. I catch them, surprised but happy to have my World Cup buddy back. As I am hugging Syd for the first time in countless months, I look behind her to see Cap and Whit also are here, big smiles on their faces. 

Lauren then finds her way to me, ejects the two children and hugs me as well. She confidently taps on my back, and that's her way to say 'we're here in peace, Hat Trick'. I also greet the girls remaining, shyly looking down from time to time. Christie burst into laughter, and I give her a confused look. 

She smirks. 

"We're not here to murder you, kid, so just relax" she says in a very comforting tone, that tone she used to use on the field during important games. 

Abby, who is next to me, wraps an arm around my shoulders. 

"So, Dawn told us about you and Broon" she says in a very slow and deep voice, which get me to worry. Lauren and Whit both burst into laughter, before following Zola to Becky. We're currently at her apartment in Kansas, after the doctors were okay with her going home with Ivy, as long as the baby is in that weird thing for babies born too young. She was only 2 weeks early, so let's say it's no that bad. The short haired looks in between Hao, Syd and me, before saying : "Jokes aside, we're happy for you guys."

"And proud of you for sticking around" Syd adds, a comforting smile on her face. She then looks at me, before adding : "A lot of people would've ran away if they found out their girlfriend was pregnant with her ex-husband's baby."

I shake my head. 

"I've always been a fighter, and I promised Becky I'd fight for her." I firmly say, looking at my three friends.

We hear little giggles, as well as Ivy's noisy scream. That makes Syd and Hao looking at the door with excitement. But before heading there, Hao gives me a tap on the back. 

"That's my little Hat Trick" she sarcastically says. "Now, can we go and meet our newest niece ?"

"Sure" I say, showing them the way. 

Before I can enter the room as well, Hao stops me by putting a hand on my thorax. I frown, and raise my eyebrow at her. 

"Just so you know, the Gals are on their way here, I mean, some of them. They cancelled the end of camp to be with you guys." she blurts out, as I feel my heart beating faster. When Hao sees I start freaking out, she puts her hands on my shoulders. "Car, they are coming to support you guys. Never underestimate that team : we're family, whatever happens, and wherever we all are at."

A tear silently makes its way to my eyes, and then on my cheek. I sigh, before pulling Hao into a tight hug. 

"Thank you" I breathe out, moved by the words she just pronounced. 

She smirks. "I love you, Car."

Whatever happens, and wherever we all are at. Those words never sounded so true. Especially when Hopes comes in as well. I am crying my eyes out when she hugs me and tells me everything would be okay.



"We need to talk"

The words I managed to say naturally came out of my mouth. I set my jaw, confused by that sudden need to express my feelings. Shelina stops walking and slowly turns around, her eyes locked on me. 

She frowns. 

"Talk about what ?"

Uh oh. I can immediately feel the atmosphere getting more tensed, as her piercing eyes are sending mixed signals toward me. I have trouble swallowing correctly, as she is taking several steps further to where I am standing now. Come on, Janine. You don't need to get impressed ; you are a grown-up for God's sake. My body starts shaking, as the anger I am feeling deep inside is coming to the surface. 

She raises her eyebrow at me, before turning around and walking toward the door. I unconsciously clench my hands, my eyes throwing some serious death glare right now. 

"Wait !" I order in a rather cold voice. She stops again, but doesn't turn around. That's my chance. "Why have you been acting like a fucking bitch ever since we got to camp ? It's like you don't even care about me anymore, and you didn't look very happy about being roommates with me again. Why don't you tell me what's on your mind ? Uhn ?"

Of course people are not used of seeing me like that. I normally am outgoing, nice, very patient and stuff, but there is something in this whole situation that is getting on my nerves, and I have to admit that I am half-responsible : it's just that my body seems to have become a sea of emotions and feelings I've never felt before, and it's like I am not in charge of my own body anymore. 

She stands still. 

"Nothing's on my mind." she slowly says in a harsh tone. 

"Liar !" I yell, out of my mind. 

This time, she turns around, and I can see her glare turning dark. 

She then energetically walks toward me, and before I can do anything, she grabs the back of my head and firmly pulls me closer. Her lips ferociously meet mine, and she kisses me with passion, with such fierce that it leaves me in shock. I don't even think of kissing her back because I am shook, but she doesn't seem to care ; at least, that doesn't stop her. Her lips are quickly but deeply moving on mine, and my whole soul is imploding. 

After like fifteen seconds, she brutally pushes me away, and I almost fall. Our eyes are locked together, but she seems furious. I don't even know how to react, because tons of questions are running though my head, such as 'what does that mean ?' or 'what about Ali ?'. Shelina looks like she's seen a ghost, as she brings her hand to her lips.

She shakes her head, before looking at me and saying :

"I'm g-gonna ask to c-change rooms"

With that said, she throws an ultimate look at me before disappearing. I stand here, relying on the border of the bed not to fall. My whole body is shaking, and I close my eyes to find peace in darkness. 

I am out of breath. 

"What the fuck" I mumble, in shock.  

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