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My hand is shaking.

Today is the day we are moving to mine and Kristie's house, instead of staying at Steph's. Since her and Gina are going to France for a well-deserved vacation, my parents decided to invite Abby and Megan over to our house for a few days.

The thing with Robert and Melissa Mewis is that they know both of their girls by heart. And when I mean by heart, I mean that my mother saw that I was upset about some cookie just by the way I was standing. So how the fuck am I going to be able to look at Abby without her figuring it out ?

She and I talked about it : no sex, separate rooms... Megan agreed on doing so, not only because she knows about what's on the line, but also because she doesn't want to get stucked with Kristie and her annoying bitch face. Abby, on the other hand, didn't seem thrilled. She might be one of the rare people to really like my sister, but being away from me 'creeps her out'.

When mom opens the door, she immediately kisses my cheeks and hugs me.

"Aw, Sammy, my little champ" she says in an affective voice. I clearly can see Megan setting her jaw, as my mom lets go of me, panicked. "Oh, Megan, I didn't mean... I was rooting for you too ! You know, back in the UCLA days, when you three played on the same team !"

That makes the blonde smirk. "It's all right Melissa" she says, before hugging my mom.

Since Megan and Abby have been my friends for a very long time, and that they went on the same university than I do, she knows them well. I am not the kind of popular girl who is able to make herself a ton of friends : I have few, but quality matters the most.

Once she's done hugging Megan - she always has really loved her, I still don't know why - she turns on Abby. I feel my heart racing.

"Hey, Abb!" She exclaims, pulling her into a quick hug. "It's so good to see you !"

"It's good to see you too, Mrs Mewis" the defender says.

My mom frowns. "Since when are you using 'Mrs Mewis' for me?" she asks, truly surprised.

I totally panick, but see that Abby is keeping a straight face :

"Sorry, I'm used to calling every old person by their last name" she jokes, while my mom softly laughs.

"It's okay" mom says, wrapping her arm around the defender's shoulders. "We've known you for so long now that you're kinda part of the family too" she adds, tightening her embrace. 

Abby smiles. "The Mewis clan rocks" she then says. 

But she isn't looking at my mom. 

She's looking at me with those eyes I love so much. She's so intense, just like the first time we kissed. I remember it because it was right after one of the last trainings before the playoffs, and we stayed up late, practicing our shots and defensive tactics. Then, we ended up sitting on the grass, looking at the sky. I felt her eyes on me, and we leaned in in sync. I'd lie if I said I wasn't hesitant at first. But when our lips touched, I couldn't deny the feelings I've been trying very hard to hide anymore. 

I know I can't tell her that, but now I am sure of what I feel for her. It's love. As cheesy as it might sound, it's real love. The one you don't want to let go. And I sure don't want to let her go, because she's the best thing that has ever happened to me beside of soccer. 

The blonde smiles at my mother, before she says : 

"I planned a little surprise for Sarm today" she explains, as I feel my heart racing in my chest. My mom raises her eyebrows ; she knows I usually don't like surprises. But, well, it's Abby, so I better like it otherwise she'd rip my head off. "Do you mind if I borrow her for a few hours ?" she asks in a shy tone. 

My mother looks at me, and then back and forth in between Kristie - who is making a funny face - and Megan - who seems to hide a laugh - before saying : 

"Sure. Just make sure to be back by dinner" she orders. 

I smile : what a great day it is. 



This situation is going way out of hands. 

There is no such weird things as to be sitting here, in front of my best friend, who appears to love the woman I just had sex with the night ago, and next to my other teammate, who also loves the girl I had sex with. 

Speaking of a tricky situation, I really was happy when Ali showed up. She and Kyle got here by 10 this morning. Since I offered them to stay at my house, it was my way out of this beyond awkward situation. Sarah wouldn't even look at me, while I was feeling guilty toward Kaylyn because I had sex with the girl she's been in love with for a year. Once again, the worse feeling I have is the betrayal toward my best friend. How the hell am I supposed to say ; 'hey, Allie, I slept with your dying girlfriend, we okay ?'. 

While Kyle is showering before I show them around Orlando, Ali, who sees I am bothered by something, comes to me. She and I have always been good friends : she's the kind of person we can talk to whenever we need it, even if it's in the middle of the night or in the middle of an important tournament. She always would put her own problems aside and try and help people instead of solving hers. That's not always a good thing, especially when Ash's mom died, and that Ali practically put her own family problems (dad) aside. She ended up forgetting about the shitty situation she was in, and Kyle had to remind her. 

Anyway, Ali is giving me this piercing look I know too well. 

"Alex, what did you do this time ?" she asks, sighing. When she sees I clearly am hesitating on telling her, she adds : "I won't judge you. You know that. Now, spill it out." 

"Okay" I say. I feel horrible. I am a terrible person. That's what have been running through my mind all day. Having to say it out loud for the first time is the worse thing ever. But the brunette in front of me won't let go, so I say : "I had sex with Sarah." 

"What ?" she exclaims. "Woah, I wasn't expecting that..."

"Look..." I start. 

I end up explaining the whole situation to her. Little did I know that Kyle is standing on the corner, carefully listening. 

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