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"Wait, what do you mean you're not allocated anymore ?" Sarah asks, running after me as I am walking all across Toni and mine apartment.

I grab stuffs, throw them on my bed to pack, and do it all over again. Of course Toni felt bad about having this meeting just after the call I received, so she called the only person she knows could call me down. I roll my eyes, genuinely ignoring the forward, who is trying her best to keep up with me. 

After several seconds, I respond : 

"I'm not an allocated player anymore, either am I a Pride player" I say, and it hurts only to think that. 

Of course I am disgusted. 

I have given my whole to this team, renouncing to go to Rio only to help get some crucial wins, therefore renouncing to get a medal again. And now that the names have been dropped, and that either Josée or myself were on it, my world has fallen apart. Of course Josée doesn't care that much, because Montréal will welcome her with wide open arms. But I, on the other hand, have nowhere to go yet. Playing in the United States has always been my dream, and my home for the last few years. 

I shake my head, throwing more clothes on the bed. Sarah blocks the way when I am trying to get to the living room again. 

She looks confused. "But, they can't do that, can they ? I mean, you've been nothing but outstanding for that club, I don't see how-" she starts.

"Sarah" I angrily interrupt her, frowning. "There is nothing you and I can do about it, so, just drop it okay ?"

"No" she harshly says.

I roll my eyes, feeling the tears filling my eyes, and push her to the side. I then burst on the other room, and she only turns around to look at me. She knows I am in a total despair right now, and I don't want her to see the tears rolling down my cheeks. I am supposed to be tough, not a little girl that cries because her team doesn't want her anymore. 

Without turning around, I ask : 

"Do you remember where I put my hairdresser ? I can't find it anywhere, I-"

"Kay, stop" she orders. I turn around, because her voice has changed. I can clearly see in her eyes that she's hurt. I mean, we haven't really talked since the other day, except for that time I had to give her keys back. I can see her green eyes locked on me, and her hands shaking a  little bit. She sighs. "Just... You don't have to do that right now, that's only going to hurt you more"

I know she's right, but I say : "I'm totally fine ! I need to get this done before-"

"You're not fine !" she yells. She then closes her eyes because she knows she shouldn't have said that in the first place. "Sorry, I didn't mean... It's just that I don't want to play on that team if you're not here anymore..."

My heart jumps on my chest, and before I know it, I burst into tears and sit down on the couch, burying my face on my hands. After a few seconds, I feel her sit down next to me, as her comforting hand slips on the hollow of my back. I shiver under her touch, but I am not courageous enough to look at her. 

She pulls me closer, wrapping her arm around my shoulder, while her other hand puts a lock of hair behind my ears. My hands fall on her forearm, and I can see her looking down at me with a nostalgic smile. 

"Hold me" 

She tenses up at first, before she actually does as she is told. I wrap my arms around her, as she is placing a light kiss on my forehead. 

"Hey, I'm here. Life goes on, and maybe there is a reason behind all that. I'm here, Kay. I'm not going anywhere."

When I lift my eyes to meet hers, I immediately change my body positioning in order to be able to straighten a little bit. I don't break our eye contact, so she knows what's going on. Her strong hand is placed on the hollow of my back again, as I am closing the gap between us, kissing her firmly but gently. She immediately kisses back, holding me tighter. I suddenly become hungrier for her touch, and become more dominant. 

As she is about to say something - probably that she doesn't want to take advantage of a weak girl - I don't let her and kiss her with fierce. I then undertake to take her clothes off, and she suddenly does the same. 

The rest is history. 



Don't look, Andi. She's changing, it's not respectful and- aaaaaaaah !

She turns around, probably feeling my gaze on her, and as soon as our eyes meet, she blushing. She then hurries up to put her pullover on, and turns around, as if nothing weird happened. I shake my head, before going back to my homework. Shit, why do you have to be so awkward all the time ? Girls usually don't check their best friend out, unless it's to tell them some cute dude doesn't know what he's missing. Get it together. As Jane is unpacking the rest of her things in my room, I glance at her. 

It's true that people might say she is not the prettiest girl ever. But to me, there is something oddly perfect about the way she looks, moves and talks. Her straight blonde hair are totally fitting her sunny personality, because even though she tries to act like a chill and collected person, she sometimes show that she's a very energetic person. And let's not even mention her intense blue eyes, because I could think about them all day. Just the way she gives importance to everything by looking at them is magical. I know those are thoughts a best friend shouldn't have, but what can I say ? 

As I am trying to figure some calculus out, I see Jane glaring at me, her eyebrows raised, a playful smile on her lips. 

"What is it, Janice ?" I ask, rolling my eyes at her. 

She smirks. "Nothing, college girl."

"Oh my God, when will you drop that stupid nickname ? You were in college only months ago, remember ?" 

"I know, I'm just happy to piss you off" Jane lets out, honest. 

I sigh and try to focus back on my homework. But something catches my attention, a though I've been willing to express for quite some time now. 

"So, where are we going to stay in Houston ?" I ask, truly concerned. 

"Uhm, well, I am roommates with Moe Brian, so we'll go to the apartment so that I can already get my things there and, y'know, settle down" she says. She then thinks of something and blushes. "Uhh, I think... Well, there only is one bed, so we'll have to-"

"Oh, don't act like we've never slept on the same bed ! Besties always share beds !" I exclaim, a little bit too excited about getting that close to her.

The thing with Jane is that she is far from being touchy, and furthermore she just avoids human contact. Right now, she is blushing like hell. 

"I know, but it's a single bed, and we don't have a couch yet, so..." she articulates, before coughing. 

"Oh, I see" My heart starts beating faster because of the lone idea of our bodies having to be glued to each other for three days, every night. She obviously is freaking out already, probably stressing out, so I add : "It's okay, I think we can handle that just fine" I say, laughing. 

Her laugh joins mine, before we head to dinner because her mom called us.  

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