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M : {10 : 56 PM} Do you miss me ? At all ?

My heart starts banging against my chest. What does she mean ? Is that even answerable ? I start walking back and forth in my room. Sammy's gone. Stephy's gone. And I'm all by myself, creeping about a girl that is in Australia right now. I remember it's already quite late in the evening for her. 

I shake my head and bite my lips. 

K : {10 : 57 AM} Are you drunk ? 

I nervously wait for her answer. 

M : {11 AM} ... maybe.

K : {11 AM} be careful okay ?   

No answer for fifteen minutes. 

K : {11:11 AM} Megan ? 

My hands start shaking. Is she doing this on purpose so she receives more texts from me, even though I act like  don't care ? I shake my head and lock my phone, heading to the kitchen. The house is very empty. The truth is that I liked having people around. My parents, my sister, her girlfriend, Sonnett... And Stephy, too. When they're here, I don't have much time to think about stuff. 

To think about Megan. 

"Damn it" I hiss, taking my phone in my hands again. 

K : {11 : 23 AM} don't be a smart ass right now

As soon as I sent it, I regretted it. I shouldn't be that worried... Of course that girl has an effect on me that I can't deny, but nothing real will ever happen to me. It never has, and never will, everybody know that. 

When the phone buzzes, I immediately look at the screen, before cursing ; it's my sister.

S : {11 : 25 AM} hey, I just landed. wish me luck

I roll my eyes and lock my phone again. 

After I went for a walk, and then a 15-minutes run, I take a shower and sit down on that chair again, in front of my phone. Still no text after I answered Sam. I shake my head, and feel the stress taking over my stomach. 

"Shit" I curse, rolling my eyes. 

K : {1 : 34 PM} fine, i miss you a little bit

Once it is delivered, I bury my face in my hands. The worse part is that this text is the most honest thing I've ever said to someone. But what if something really happened to her ? What if she put her life in danger by drinking too much ? Or gets involved in a fight, or gets raped by some dude ? I shake my head, trying to stop all those thoughts from fucking my mind up, but it doesn't want to stop. 

When the screen lightens, I finally sigh out of relief. 

M : {1 : 37 PM} sorry, we were in a club. we made it to the hotel

M : {1 : 38 PM} and I know you do

I don't even answer her, angry at myself for exposing my feelings that much. I really hope she doesn't suspect anything. 



I wake up in the early lights of the sun making its was to the sky, and when I try to get up, something holds me down. 

I quickly realize what the matter is ; Andressa, who is obviously not that much of a light sleeper, has her arm wrapped around me, innocently relying on my stomach, while out legs are kinda entangled. I start to panic, feeling her warm breath against my chest, just under my neck. How haven't I noticed before ? I mean, I am a light sleeper, I should've woken up immediately... As my mind is running 200%, I feel my heart racing. The worse in all that is that I'd like her to sleep in my arms forever. She is not a very demonstrative person, but this gesture gives me some hope. I frown ; what if she gets mad ? 

Panicked by the fact that she might be, slowly and softly removed her arm from around me, and start making weird moves to escape her embrace. Once my upper body is out of her reach, I start wondering how I will deal with our legs. As I am about to do it, I loose my balance and somehow end up on the ground. 

Andressa jumps out of the bed, looking at me, her eyes wide open. 

"Morgan... what are you doing ?" she asks in her cute Brazilian accent. 

"Uhm... Stretching" I let out, freaked out.  

She watches me as I get back on my feet and fake finishing some kind of yoga stuff. Her rare laugh then fills the room, and I can't help but look at her. 

She smirks. "You are weird" she says, honest as she always is. 

I nervously laugh, before getting up and waving at her. I then get out of the room, only to find Cari and Sonnett cooking some... Well, I don't really know what it is, so let's name it the 'specials'. They look at me as if I had seen a ghost. 

Emily is the first one to ask : 

"You look like you ate someone" she comments, a grin on her face. 

As Cari is also watching me as if I am some kind of zoo attraction, I fight back : 

"Yoga. I did yoga this morning, I'm tired." 

"Dude, it's only 9 AM" Cari lets out, mocking me. 

I frown at her. "You don't know how such a spiritual sport takes so much energy" I then say, trying to look offended. 

They both burst into laughter, as Andressa is entering the room. She also seemed not that fit, and Cari didn't restrain herself from asking : 

"So you guys did yoga together ?" she teases. I eye-kill her for a while, before she adds : "Woah, doesn't look like your 'spiritual journey' really helped you after all." she softly laughs, before turning to face Andressa : "So, Cup Cake, what do you wanna eat ?"

As I am about to say something, Andressa takes the lead and asks : "What's that anyway ?" 

She points at the sort of half-smoothie half-pancakes on the kitchen table, and Emily and Cari exchange a look before bursting into laughter. The brunette then takes one of those in her hands and says : 

"A Sonnett special". She then smirks, and adds : "So, we don't really know what it is but you better taste it otherwise she'll go full daddy on you and kill you." 

Andressa frowns. "O-okay." 

And that's how the day started.  

{A/N : please keep on commenting and voting otherwise I won't update that often folks !}

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