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Around 3 AM, I hear the main door open. 

I immediately jump out of my bed and rush to the living room. I have been waiting for hours in the dark, and when mom told me Kristie and Abby were spending the night out, I freaked out. Megan tried to comfort me, but I am just forever imagination the worse situation that can happen. So when I come into the living room, only to find two blonde on the ground, laughing uncontrollably. 

Megan appears next to me, as surprised as I am. They obviously are dead-drunk - like, so drunk that they actually are thinking stupid things and laughing all the time, you know, the New Year kind of drunk - and barely standing on their feet. They are relying on each other, laughing their asses off. As I am praying that my parents don't hear them, I turn to Megan. 

She holds a laugh back. 

"I sleep with Abby tonight" I order. 

She rolls her eyes. "You're gonna leave me with your sister ? Really ?" she asks in disbelief. 

But I don't even answer. 

I go straight at my sister and the defender, and pull them apart from each other. Abby has got this weird look she has when drunk - it doesn't happen often, but she is the kind of girl to lose control and do stupid things - and when she wraps her arms around my neck, and giggles and kisses my lips. 

"Hey babe" she says in a sexy voice. 

I feel my heart race. "Come on, Imma put you in bed" I softly say. 

I throw a dark look at my sister, who is making weird noises after the kiss, before I carry Abby bridal style in my room. I mean, the girl can barely walk. I close the door behind us, ignoring Megan calling me, and immediately put Abby on the bed. I then help her undress, as she is biting her lips. Oh, and did I mention that drunk Abby is also gone sexual ? But in her eyes tonight, there is something other than attraction. I can't clearly say what it is, but she never gave that look to anyone. 

After she's finally in her pyjamas, I get her a glass of water in case of she feels sick during the night, before joining her. I lie down in the way that she can come and cuddle by my side. Instead of just lying down here, she climbs on top of me, and stops right before our lips touch. I sigh and wrap my arms around of her, while she puts the cover on top of our bodies. 

She then smirks. 

"Your sister is fun" she says in a drunk voice. 

"What did you guys do ? Did she force you to drink ?" I ask, suddenly feeling angry. 

Abby shakes her gorgeous head, before a soft laugh escapes her lips. 

"Noooooo" she exclaims, smiling widely. "We went for a walk, and then we talked about deep... stuff, y'know ?" I can see she's having trouble thinking clearly, making a funny face from time to time. How am I supposed to get mad at such a cutie ? "And then, we decided to have fun and went to that club, and it was soooooo fun, I wish you were here" 

I tighten my embrace. 

"You didn't... kiss anyone, right ?" I ask, concern about the answer she might give. 

She only smiles, and then makes me open my arms and rolls to the side. She then cuddles with my, as my arm is around her shoulders. She wraps her leg around my waist, and her hand is wandering on my skin. My whole body seems to shiver, and she smiles even bigger. 

She obviously is falling asleep. I roll my eyes, staring at her for a while. When I finally get to the conclusion that she is asleep already, I close my eyes. But her sweet voice makes its way to my ears : 

"I love you, Sarm." 



My thoughts are blurry. 

What a night it's been. I never thought that day would end up like that. When I figured out Abby was Sam's girlfriend, I really thought about beating the hell out of her for lying to my face. But then, we talked about how they met, how they fall in love, and only by the way Abby was talking about my sister tells a lot about how she feels : the starts she's got in her eyes, the bright smile when mentioning her name... I mean, Sam's in good hands. 

Second part of the evening was so fun I literally died. It's the first time I connect like that with somebody that isn't my sister or Stephanie. Abby really is a great person, and a terrific dancer. When we got drunk, we just loose ourselves. 

Speaking of loosing one's self, I wonder where Megan is. She left the room immediately after she brought me here, telling me she'd be back in a few. I get up, willing to know if she's avoiding me or something. I almost fell like five times just in the way between my room and the kitchen, where the lights are on. 

Here I find Megan, filling some bottle with water. I silently approach her, and bring my lips closer to her neck. She must've felt my breath against her skin and jumps, letting a weird scream out. When she sees it's me, she just rolls her eyes, as I erupt into laughter.

"Fuck you" she hisses, shaking her head. When she turns around and is all mad and shit, my heart suddenly starts beating harder in my chest. That never has happened to me since that one time when I had to take an important exam. I frown, and she immediately says : "Are you okay ? Your face is weird."

Is it concern in her voice ? I shake my head. 

"I guess I'm still drunk" I innocently say, relying on the table. 

She rolls her eyes. "You're unbelievable." she then whispers, before walking to the room again with two glasses of water in hands. 

Then, something pretty weird happens. 

I don't know why, or even how, but I grab her waist, standing on the way. As she turns around, the glasses fall on the ground, and the water makes its way to our feet, through our socks. I realize she is slightly bigger than I am, and that her eyes are even clearer than they usually are. I look down at her lips, as she is doing the same, before shaking her head. She tries to walk away, but I advance my body in order to block her against the table. Her hands grab the table, and she tries to lean away from me. I put my hands on the table as well, and our bodies collide. My head is a mess. 

She seems, for the first time since I've known her, uncomfortable. But, like, she is blushing, and her eyes are panicking. I try to ignore the pressure of her boobs against mine - especially either of us have a bra on - and make myself bigger so that I am standing on my toes, leveled up with her. I feel her warm breath against my lips. 

She hardly swallow her saliva. 

"K-Kristie, what a-are you d-doing ?" she stammers, obviously terrified. 

Oops. Maybe I totally misread the situation ? I suddenly feel like a total idiot. I stop breathing for a few seconds, looking at her, in shock. Before she can say anything else, I wrap my arms around her and hugs her tight, burying my face in her hair, my chin relying on her shoulder. She seems relieved, as she wraps her arms around me as well. 

Shit, I think.  

"Sorry, I'm drunk" I articulate, feeling my body explode. 

She sighs. "It's okay. We better go to bed. I will sleep on the couch." 

I shake my head. I don't have the courage to look at her in the eyes when I say : "I want you to sleep with me", so I just tighten my embrace a little bit more. 

"O-okay" she says after an awkward silence. 

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