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"Lots of drama, uhn ?" 

I don't turn around, only because I don't need to figure out whose voice it is. Julie is right behind me, before taking her usual spot next to me. She hands me over some coffee, while Allie is just nodding her head and joins Kelley and Ash on the other side of the room. I stare at her doing so, before remembering that the blonde is waiting for an answer.

Of course she saw I was upset. 

"Yeah" I let out, setting my jaw. 

She frowns. "What's bothering you ?" she then asks. The thing with Julie is that she is pretty observant, and then she just figures things out. When she sees I am looking at her in a boring way, she just raise her eyebrow. "Is it about relationships among the team ?" I nod, quite surprised that she figured it out that fast. She smiles. "Yeah, I heard about Sonnett and Horan, I mean, kinda everyone of the veterans have heard what happened, and your reaction."

"I just don't get it" I let out, setting my jaw.

"What it is that you don't understand ?" 

I shake my head. "I dunno. I feel like whenever you're representing a city, a state or a country, you're playing for something bigger than yourself, so you should focus."

"Either Carli or Becky were distracted those past six months" she reminds me, watching my reaction. 

"I know. But Son and Linds were. They should just live for the game, because everything around it is distraction."

This time, the defender really looks concerned about my words. I look at her, as she is coming up with some clever sentences -  that's what she always does. 

"Don't you think life is about more than soccer ?". I notice her voice has changed, and I don't really know how to understand that change. Her blue eyes fall on my lips, but she immediately pull it together and adds : "I mean, you dated Christen after all, so your saying those two to shut it off is a little bit weird..."

My eyes turn black, and she immediately regrets what she just brought up. 

"Things with Christen were different" I harshly say, looking straight into her blue gaze. She doesn't take that back either.

"How so ?"

"We remained professional. And it was just an huge mistake"

"Because it didn't last ?" Julie asks. 

This time, I really don't know what to say.

As I am looking away from her, I catch her staring at my lips for a second, before fixing her eyes on the beautiful Californian vue. The sun is slowly rising in the sky, as the surfers already are on the beaches, ready to take on those waves. I somehow feel the urge to answer her, not willing to be rude or something. 

"Yes. And because she is my teammate."

Julie somehow looks disappointed. 

"That's too bad."

"What's too bad ?" I ask, disturbed. 

She sadly smiles at me. "That you are restraining yourself from living because you're too scared to jump in a territory you're not familiar with."

I frown. Is she still talking about relationships ?

"Maybe I am too familiar with this territory" I murmur, as she is trying to come up with something to say (again). "That's why."

"Maybe" she repeats, thoughtful. 

We remain silent, looking at the sunrise with children eyes. But from time to time, my eyes would leave the magnificent sky to lie on her, as my lips suddenly become dry. I set my jaw and focus again. 

Now is not the time to loose control. 



Jill called us all in the center of the field. I sense she has something to announce. I wonder what it is, because it's already day 6 of camp (out of 10) and everybody is now familiar with what's happening here. The u-23s are gone, while Arod and Pinoe are now practically assistant coaches for the newbies. 

The British woman just looks at us. 

"Tonight, we will be joined by two familiar faces that weren't called up because of injuries" she announces, looking at each one of us, keeping the suspense at its best. I frown, as Lindsey and Moe are looking at me, a grin on their faces. "I want you to welcome them in style."

She then smiles at someone behind us, and the whole group just turn around. 

Here are Andi and Abby, quietly making their way to us. They already had put on their cleats, looking good. As soon as I see the defender, my heart jumps into my chest. I know everybody - including everybody - is watching, but my body somehow starts running toward her without me even realizing it. She sees me coming, but what she doesn't expect is me jumping on her. Of course, the height difference makes us fall on the ground. I know the gals are on their way there as well, embracing Andi, yelling weird things, but for now it's just Abby and I. I look into her eyes, and smile. 

For a moment, I hesitate to lean in, but in the end I just figure it's better for me just to hug her, as some people are jumping on us. I immediately recognize Lynn by her voice as she is chanting Abby's name, as well as Taylor Smith, Kealia and Casey. 

Holy shit Mewis, now is not the time for everybody to find out you're dating the rising right-back of the team, I think to myself, getting up as fast as I fell on the ground. Lynn laughs at me, hitting me on the back, as I am making my way to Andi, greeting her. Jane seemed really, really happy to have her here, so I just let them talk about... well, I don't really know about what, because my attention is caught up by Abby again. 

Lynn is excited. 

"Some Flashy love around here !" she yells, wrapping her arms around me. She then hugs me and whispers into my ear : "Your bae missed you, so you better take good care of her, Sammy"

"I will" I assure her, awkwardly getting away from her. 

That only makes her laugh more, as Jill is trying to establish calm and focus again. As she is explaining the program of the day, my hand discretely reaches out of Abby's, and the defender just smiles, avoiding my gaze. 

God I've missed her way too much.  

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