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Caprice : Kristie, Megan got hurt during the game. Badly. She's unconscious. I send you the address of the hospital if you're not gone yet

I received this text when I was about to board the plane. Useless to say that I grabbed my bags and ran to the renting cars service and rent another one. I then drove straight to the address Caprice gave me, sweating. The only idea of something happening to Megan made me forget how bad she hurt me only hours ago. Even though I am very mad at her (and at myself for saying 'I love you' first and becoming a dramatic bitch) I can't help but worry. I've tried to call Caprice, but she isn't answering. What does 'unconscious' even mean ?

Once I finally make it to the hospital, I park my car where I'm allowed to and run to the hall. A lady indicates what room she's in, and when I finally make it to the right floor after getting lost twice, I see her friends standing in the corridor. 

Caprice immediately advances to me. "Kristie, I need you not to panic okay ?" she says, carefully grabbing my forearms. 

Those words only are enough to make me freak out. What if something really, really bad happened to her ? Maybe it's my fault ? I can't help but thing that our little talk earlier had an influence on what happened. 

The Hawaiian looks at me, worried. 

"W-what happened ?" I stammer, out of breath. 

Caprice exchanges a look with Kelsey, who, for once, seems to care about something. I take a deep breath, before hearing : 

"So she went up for an header, and the chick she was fighting against was way taller than she way, so she ended up on the ground, and the girl accidentally stepped on her head"

My eyes go wide. 

"Accidentally stepped on her head ? How the fuck can you step on someone ? Who's that bitch, I'm gonna-" I start, partially yelling. 

"Ssh" Kelsey hisses, her eyes announcing that I should totally shut up right now. Some people have turned around, but now they are minding their own business again. "She just landed like that. Don't worry, she got red-carded." 

I close my eyes. "How long has she been unconscious ?" I ask, setting my jaw. 

"The doctors had to put her under strong medication because her head was hurting way too much for her to handle" Caprice explains, looking at me as if I couldn't burst in tears in any second. "It's been one hour, she should wake up in less than ten minutes now."

I sigh, and when I sit down on a chair, both of them just leave me alone. 

I shake my head ; how can someone care about another person that isn't family this much ? I mean, I've always been overprotective with Sam and Steph because one is my sister, and the other is like my sister, but never with someone else. Even though my heart hurts about what she said to me earlier, I can't help but want her even more. Megan has this effect on me, and it's becoming impossible to overcome those feelings that are taking over my whole body and soul - as weird as it might sound. 

Right after the others left, I feel a presence next to me. I don't have to lift my head to know who it is. 

Shelina sighs. "Sorry about my reaction." she starts, and when she sees I am about to fight her, she raises her hand and continues : "I assumed you were not the kind of person for her, and I assumed wrong. I can tell by how awful you look right now because you're dead worried for her, and Kristie, your eyes don't lie. I apologize for being overprotective of her, but her last relationship didn't end well and she was heartbroken..."

"I would never hurt her" I honestly say, setting my jaw again. 

"I know that now" the Canadian says, burying her face on her hands. "It's just that... I was scared for her, I don't want her to get hurt the way that I did. But you sticked around, even though she broke up with you-"

"First of all, she didn't 'break up' with me, because we weren't even a couple." I say, my sass back for good. "Second, I couldn't go on that plane knowing that she was... I mean, that she is hurting." 

She brunette nods, and there is a silence established between us. When Caprice and Kelsey, along with Arin Gilliland, joined us, I remained silent, because I didn't want to talk about how I feel at the moment. 

All I want is to see her. 



Carli wraps her arms around my waist from behind, her lips immediately attacking my neck. We are in the bathroom, right next to the room where everybody is about to watch the draft live - except for those who actually are in the draft pick room, like Moe, Sonnett and Alyssa.*

{A/N : *I know there is a problem about the timeline, but I haven't thought about the draft before starting camp, so let's pretend the draft is held on the 14th of January}

I moan. 

"Car" I warn her, turning around and locking eyes with her. I can see she's defying and very playful tonight, but we can't afford being caught. "Stop."

She smirks, leans in and captures my lips with her teeth, before taking her distance a little bit. She then opens the door to me. 

"As you will, my lady" Carli sarcastically lets out, raising her eyebrows. 

I roll my eyes at her and go ahead. 

Everybody else is sharing the four couches and three tables in the 'living room'. Jill, who also isn't here, made sure we had some sort of projector against so wall so we would be able to watch the Draft in high quality and react in the same time. When I sit down next to Julie, I see that there only are minutes left before the first pick, as that dude is talking about how the league involved those past few years. 

Not everybody was pleased about his little - long - speech, tho. I see Carli sighing, before saying out loud so that everybody hear : 

"Shut up bitch"

The girls burst into laughter, while I only smirk. 

"Wait, he finally stopped talking !" Ali exclaims, her eyes going wide. She then lies back on on the couch, not impressed. "Never mind, I forgot about that damn clock." 

About five minutes later, the announcer is finally making his way to the stage. Meanwhile, people moved from their seats, which allowed Carli to come and sit next to me. She immediately slipped her hand behind my back, her nails making little contouring around the hollow of my back, which makes me shiver. But I can't say anything, because Ashlyn and Ali are also on that couch, and having Julie and Christen right in front of me isn't helping either. In exchange, I just ignore her. 

The announcer says : 

"With the number one overall pick, the Boston Breakers select Rose Lavelle, out of the University of Wisconsin." 

The Draft room erupts in cheers, while Lindsey starts laughing uncontrollably. When Kealia raises her eyebrow at her, the brunette just says : 

"Just won a bet with Sonnett"

As the draft is going on and on, we see good players like Ashley Hatch, Morgan Andrews or others join great teams. When it's finally Kansas' turn, they pick Christina Gibbons, one of the newcomers in camp. I secretly wanted her to be the new KC defender, because I wanted a pupil under my watch. That's what I do best - I mean, look at Julie, or even Sonnett - and this girl really looks nice. 

Carli looks at me, smiling. She then leans in when nobody is watching and whispers into my ear : 

"Can we go and have sex now ?" 

I raise my eyebrow at her, and without saying anything, I get up and leave the room. I can't even make it to my own room when Carli catches up with me and drags me in an unoccupied room, locking the door behind us... 

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