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I start smiling. 

The great thing about knowing Boston by heart is that you know where people go or don't ever go. This place, for instance, is my secret place. I've never seen anyone else but me laying a foot in that soil. So it's really cozy and has a great landscape on the city. There are trees to hide us, and then a cliff. In other words, it's the perfect place to have a secret date with your secret girlfriend, and end up having sex. 

So here we are, wrapped in cozy and warm covers, just observing each other. Abby is lying down on top of me, her fingers tracing delicate caresses on my face. She smiles every step of the way, and once again I wonder what I did to deserve her. 

I smirk. 

"So" I let out, becoming shy all of a sudden. She frowns, quite worried, so I immediately go on : "Sonnett is coming into town tomorrow" 

She frowns. 

"Emily Sonnett ?" she asks, raising her eyebrow. "Your ex-girlfriend ?"

Is it jealousy in her voice ?

"Yeah" I let out, but immediately regret how I seem not to care. Abby gets up and wraps one of the covers around her body. Her eyes turn dark, as she is setting her jaw. You screwed up, I tell myself, getting up as well. "Wait, we broke up forever ago ! I didn't even have feelings for her the way that I do have for you !"

Abby just throws a death glare at me. "I'm sure you don't need me here anymore." With that said, she starts packing her things and dress up. 

"This is insane !" I exclaim. 

"Is it, Samantha ?" she asks, angry. Uh oh, she used the full name. "What is insane is that you invite your ex-girlfriend here while I am also here ! What's the point, uhh ? Making me jealous ? Guess what : it worked. This is me getting jealous." 

She starts walking away. 

"Where are you even going ?" I ask, raising my hand, helpless. 

She turns around. "Packing. I have a plane to take"

"Wait, what ?" I ask, running after her. "You can't just go like that ! Abby, I want you here too ! It's just that Emily is a good friend of mine so we invited her... Well, she invited herself because she was around, I-"

"Enough" Abby orders, and I can see how disappointed she is of me in her eyes. She then sighs, and looks at me. "I hope you will have fun with her, Samantha. Maybe you will tell her you love her. At least you'd tell it to someone." 

I frown. "What ?" What did I miss ? As I am looking at her in disbelief, it finally comes back to my mind : when she was drunk after her little party with my sister, Abby told me she was in love with me. I never said it back. "Abby, I-" I start, but my throat goes sore. She waits for me to say something, but I know it's already too late. "I don't want you to go." 

She shakes her head. 

"See you at practice" she sadly says, before walking away. 

I love you ! I shout in my head. But only my demons hear me, and I collapse on the ground. I then start crying. Why am I so stupid ? 



My eyes are locked on the ground. 

Shit. What am I going to tell her ?

Melissa Mewis is a very ambitious and nice person. But when you get to know her, when you're the oldest child of hers, you learn that she is also very exigeant. I remember when she thought I'd drop my studies for soccer ; she hadn't talked to me in over a month. She's always complimenting Sam and Steph - it's like if the brunette (who is, by the way, coming back here tomorrow to welcome Sonnett with us - but never me. I know she does that because she wants to help me grow, but it sometimes hurt. 

Now that I am standing in front of her, my eyes locked on my feet, I can feel she is mad. Not at the fact that I am not looking at her in the eyes. Sam is the one supposed to come out to her, not me. I am not even gay. What happened with Megan Oyster was way out of hands. When I finally dare to look up at her, and that I see how serious she is, I am ready to deny everything that has to do with Megan, even that weird attraction I have for her in some way. I always dated boys : I can't like a girl. 

I sigh. 

"Mom, I can explain..." I start, but she cuts me off by raising her hand. 

"I think that was graphic enough for me to understand" she sarcastically says, raising her eyebrows. 

"No, it's not like that..." I start, thinking about what I should or even could say. She's waiting for me to speak again, and that shows how respectful she is. "Mom, I don't know why it even happened, it's just..."

"To be honest" she interrupts me again, her eyes softening a bit, "I am not mad at you, Kristie. I love you and you do whatever you want with whoever you want. I am just surprised you and Megan..."

I close my eyes. "Mom, I swear I didn't mean that to happen..." I shamefully say. "It just... did. And I know I am guilty, because I didn't do anything to stop it I- Oh Gosh, it's so awkward to talk to you about... Well, let's forget it" 

"I can see you're confused, Kristie" she says, taking a step toward me. She then grabs my shoulders, like she usually does when something is bothering me. "I think the person you should talk to is-"

"Sam. I know. I just-"

"God, no !" my mother exclaims, burning into laughter. "Your sister would bring her inner drama queen and just make a big deal out of this." she then says, and I laugh with her. It is true Sam would rip my head off, especially since I was the one being a bitch about her dating Dahlkemper. "I was talking about Megan."

"Ugh" I let out. 

Talking to Megan is the last thing I want to do. I mean, I am already confused enough, and having her annoying-but-yet-beautiful face just in front of me wouldn't be that helpful. I sigh. But before I can say anything, the door opens, and Abby Dahlkemper comes in, tears in her eyes. I immediately know it has something to do with Sam. 

My mom immediately rushes to her. 

"Abigail, what is going on ?" she asks, worried. 

I can clearly see Abby swallowing her tears when she says : "Mrs M-Mewis, I- I am so sorry, I need to g-go... F-family drama." 

"Of course honey !" Melissa exclaims, before turning to me. "Kristie, you and Megan will help her pack, while I cook something for you to take with you. Have you booked a plane yet ?"

"Y-yes" Abby stammers, a tear rolling down her cheek. "3:45 PM" she adds. 

Melissa wraps an arm around her shoulders. "C'mon. Kratch will drive you."

Abby throws a desperate look at me, as I am smiling at her. I really like her for my sister, and it somehow is heartbreaking to see her that sad. When they disappear in the kitchen, I rush into my sister's room and start packing for her. 

I close my eyes, before yelling : 

"Oyster, I need help in here !" 

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