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I can't feel my head no more, as I am feeling freaking nauseous. I am probably ugly - I didn't have the strength to remove my make up when we got home after the party - I probably stink - thanks to the weird mixtures I drank - and I can't even open my eyes. What a great way to start a day. 

Worse part of that is that Gibby doesn't seem to follow the laws of hangovers ; she looks fresh, is making some hand-made juice in the kitchen, probably went for a run because it's already noon. 

When she comes into my room with a glass in hand, she holds a laughter back. 

"I know I look like shit" I let out, rolling my eyes. 

I don't know by what miracle she was able to understand anything I said, because I, like, swallowed my word. But the thing is that she did understand, and starts laughing. 

"I guess that means no juice"

As she puts the glass down, I am biting my lips. 

"Ugh" I let out, looking at the ceiling. When Gibby looks at me with concern, I only start rolling my eyes at myself again (yes, we're at that point). "My lips are so dry."

Gibby starts giggling. 

"They tasted soft yesterday though" she casually says, looking at my reaction. I don't even react, because I am just too tired for this hitting on each other thing this morning. And I legit thought it only was the case during the party. When she sees I am not reactive, she sets her jaw. "You don't remember ?"

That's a very good question, and a very useful one.   

"Remember what ?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. 

My little strategy works, because Gibby is the one feeling uncomfortable this time. She glares at me in silence, before saying : 


"It didn't sound like nothing" I insist, confused by the way she is avoiding the question. "Did we like make out or something." 

"I guess we can say that. I mean, we hooked up half of the time. I can't believe you don't remember anything."

"I was wasted" I remind her. 

Shit, I'm a good liar ! Sweet Baby Rose no more ! I then freeze : Becky will kill me if she finds out I make out with her new protegee. I then sigh : never mind, Becky is not here, and Gibby is totally my style. 

Speaking of which, the brunette sits down on my bed. 

"You know..." she starts, before her eyes lighten again. I soon feel her hand slip under the cover and sensually caress my leg. I am quite surprised with the gesture, especially since she usually look like a shy girl and everything. But the truth is that I like that very much. Maybe a little bit too much. "... I wouldn't think you'd forget that easily."

"Christina" I sharply say, really scared that I am hooked. I clearly don't want to be too attached, especially if she is just playing a game with me. "Yesterday night doesn't count."

"What about all the other times you clumsily hit on me or tried to seduce me ?" she asks, as her hand is persistently making its way higher on my leg. "Don't think I haven't seen the signs, Rose. I'm not that stupid."

I suddenly feel awful. 

"I need to puke" is all that I say before I run to the bathroom and actually puke all last night in the toilets. 

What a way to get out an uncomfortable moment, Rose. Or maybe ruin a sexy moment. Who knows



After we finished eating, we decided to go for a walk, since Kelsey had to take care of one of her teammate's dog for several days. As the dog is running on a field next to us, Kelsey suddenly grabs my hand. 

Either of us seem to be breathing. 

"You were right about so many things" she whispers, avoiding my gaze. 

I look at her, quite surprised by both her gesture and her revelation. I know she is the kind of person that hates getting some help, or even admit her mistakes. And she's not the kind of girl to be straight forward in terms of love. 

All I can think of doing is nod and say : 

"You are an amazing person, Kelsey. Too bad you don't see yourself the way that I see you." 

This time, she turns her head to look at me, before staring at the field, her jaw set. 

"Not as amazing as you are" she whispers, before smirking. "Even though you're being a pain in my ass right now."

I realize out fingers are still entangled, but that provides me much more happiness than concern, to be honest. 

When I get on my toes to be leveled-up, she turns her head to catch eyes with me again, as we both lean in simultaneously. I very softly press my lips against hers, not moving anything about our bodies position. I feel her squeeze my hand, as I move my lips on hers. It lasts several seconds, before I slowly pull away, so that our noses meet and that I can give her a sexy Eskimo kiss.

I have a bright smile planted on my lips but she, on the other hand, is still serious and has her emotion closed. But I know it's normal, so I don't worry about that. 

"I'm a good kind of pain though" I tease her, smirking. 

She rolls her eyes, but doesn't deny it. She then looks around to find the dog, and when she does, her eyes fall back on me. 

"Your saying, not mine" she finally lets out. 

I burst into laughter. "It took you forever to find that sassy line, oh my God !" I exclaim, as she cracks a smile. 

"I know, I'm disappointed in myself."

"Don't be" I order, staring into her eyes, getting closer to her. "You're just perfect the way you are."

"Even when I become a junkie ?" she teases. 

I hit her arm, before we both giggle. 

"You make it so difficult sometimes" I complain, before biting my lips. I catch her staring at them, but she quickly rectifies that. "But I somehow enjoy it anyway."

That must be the first real compliment she's ever made to me, so it shows on my face. That makes her roll her eyes, but I'm too happy to do anything else but cheesing. I then try to come up with something to say. 

"I know, I would too".

"Mmh" is all I say before looking at the field in front of us again.

She then lets go of my hand and exclaims : "Shit, the dog !"

The animal is indeed gone God knows where, and that ends that intimate contact between us. Cursing in the inside - even though I love dogs so much, but Kelsey definitely wins the battle if I had to chose one - I start calling the dog too. 

And that's how our date ends, because afterwards she just drives me home, hugging me goodbye, but she didn't date to kiss me again. I, on the other hand, just left that for the next time we'll see each other. 

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