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I only have the time to sit down on my bed again that the door slams open and Megan comes in. She looks like she's just seen a ghost. She angrily closes the door and is actually eye-killing me right now.

She starts whispering in a very harsh tone, as I am getting ready to be the reason why she's angry.

"I forgot I was supposed to sleep here" she grumpily says, rolling her eyes. With that said, she grabs her bag, takes some pyjamas out of it and starts undressing. As she is half way through, she stares at me. Her eyebrows are marked. "Can you please look away ?"

I blush - that, like, never happens. And by never, I mean never - and look at my hands. From the corner of my eye I see her undressing and dressing again in a few seconds.

Once she's done, she turns around and starts taking stuff out of her bag.

"Do you want me to sleep on the cou-" I start, getting up.

She looks at me in a way she's never have.

"No" she orders in a very cold but yet extremely sexy voice. I would never have thought that from her. "You are going to sleep right here with me, because I am fucking afraid or thunder and there fucking is thunder outside, so don't be the douche you always are and stay the fuck here" she blurts out.

Something in me just want to get up and surround her with my arms, but I restrain myself from doing so. She sees something is taking over my thoughts, but waits for me to answer that.

I nod. "Uhm, o-okay, fine" I stammer. Geez, Kristie, man up. You're not 12 anymore. I shake my head and add : "Whatever".

She stares at me, before saying ;

"Why are you always wearing a mask ?"

What a serious question after a sorta hot half-sex-no-sex session. As I am wondering myself why the fuck she's wondering that, I set my jaw and try to come up with an answer. Nobody ask me that. Never.

I frown.

"That's my natural skin, but thanks" I sarcastically say, rolling my eyes at her.

As she's about to fight back and tell me how stupid I am, there is a white noise coming from the sky. Megan jumps a little bit, and start panicking. Another noise, and then lighting. I can see her face turning white, and she's got her eyes locked on me.

I don't know why but I get up off my bed and grab her shoulders. Without a word, I offer her to go to bed. While I go and close the windows so that we'd hear less noise. Once I put a cover on her and lie down as well, she immediately straighten.

I realize she's basically on top of me, and one of her hand I relying on the mattress, on the other side of my head.

"Ssh" I let out in a whisper, seeing that she's still shaking like a baby.

"Shut up yourself, bitch" she says, frowning.

I roll my eyes.

Then, when our eyes connect again, something odd happens. I see a sparkle, and then I sit down and she sits down as well. I feel like I am diving in her perfect blue eyes, and I don't like that sensation of depending on someone.

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