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I nervously but confidentially stand in front of Zola, who just got out of the room where Becky is lying down on that damn bed. I've seen him many times before, and each one of them I found him calm, settled down. Cool. 

He looks at me from head to toes, before saying : 

"Hello, Carli"

I set my jaw. "Hey" I peacefully let out, staring at him. 

He knows about Becky and I now. 

The fact that everybody know about our relationship, and that all happened that fast, is terrifying. I know some people, such as Tobin on the top of the table, or people as dedicated to that team as Kelley and Ali are, are not approving. They hide it behind smiles and kind words of support, but I know that they feel betrayed. We didn't tell them. We hid it from the team. Even the coaches know now, and I'm sure it will show. Jill immediately came to me, honestly telling me that she doesn't have any problem with that. But I don't know about others. 

The man just stares at me, before he says : 

"Look we will have to be strong for Becky" As I am nodding my head, she adds : "I know you are the person she needs by her side right now, so no pressure, but you need to be here for her. She really needs a pillar, even though she doesn't look like it. This kid will be here in three or four weeks. I have one question, and one question only : are you ready ?"

I look straight in his eyes when I say from the bottom of my heart : "I am."

"Good" he says. 

"And you ?" I then ask, suddenly feeling bad not to ask. I mean, it's important for him too, and the biggest event as well. "You're about to become a dad."

He smirks. "Well, I wasn't expecting that to happen this way, but so far I am pretty confident." he jokes, as we both sit down. He then looks at me, raising his eyebrow. "Has Becky already told you about our plans for the baby ?"

"Uhm, no" I say, suddenly growing worried. 

He nods. 

"Since she wants to keep on playing soccer, I will have the watch of that kid, but I will bring her or him whenever Becky is home in Kansas City. I don't want her to stop playing soccer." he explains, a smile on his lips.

What about me ? I ask myself, before frowning. You're not a part of this family yet, Car. Of course he won't bring that baby to you. I smile back at him, as he is pulling me into a hug. Once he is gone who knows where, I bury my face in my hands. I need to stay strong right now, and put my feelings to the side. Becky needs me. 

I get up and enter the room. 



I wake up by the sound of the coffee machine in the kitchen. My back immediately hurts ; that couch didn't cost much, and I know why now. I groan, putting a cover on my face. I hear someone move and remove it. 

Shelina is standing here, a cup of coffee in hand.

"Hey there" she says in a sweet voice. It's funny, because even though she has a bad hangover, black circles under her eyes and an awful skin tone, she still looks beautiful and manages to be attractive. I set my jaw, as she goes on, putting the cup on the table in front of the couch. "I felt bad you had to sleep on your own couch, so I made you breakfast. Eggs and bacon, whenever you're ready to get up."

She then gives me a warm smile and returns to the kitchen. 

I am quite confused : is she going to ignore the fact that we almost kissed yesterday ? Or am I overreacting ? I suddenly being to think I misread that, that maybe she just lost her balance and leaned in by accident ? I shake my head, really trying to come up with a true explanation on why she is cooking me breakfast. Does she feel bad or something ? Or maybe she's just being nice ? I shake my head again. There is no way she is into me. We've been friends for so long. I probably am making a fool of myself, imagining things that are not real. 

Ashamed of myself, I get up, silently joining her in the kitchen. She is about to put the eggs in two plates when she sees me and smiles. I sit down, putting the orange juice in the glasses, sipping my coffee. She puts the plate right in front of me and sits down as well. 

"I also, uhm-well" she starts, stammering a little bit. She immediately blushes and starts re-thinking the words she is using. "I am sorry about what happened yesterday... I was drunk, and I don't want you to think I am trying to mess things up.... I mean, I just got out of a weird experience, and I am a little bit lost about... things, you know. And I tend to do stupid things whenever I am drunk so-"

"Shelina" I cut her, and she immediately listens to what I have to say. I can see her jaw dropping a little bit. "It's okay. We're friends, I never assumed you'd hit on me like that when sober" I then say, testing her reaction. 

She looks relieved. 

"Thank you" she says, still embarrassed. "I mean, I know there is no ambiguity between us, but I wanted to make sure..."

"We're good" I assure her. 

She smiles at me, before getting up and hugging me from behind, her chin resting on my forehead. My breathe is cut short, as I am trying not to think about those weird feelings coming to the surface. No ambiguity, remember ? I tell to myself, as she is sitting down again, her piercing eyes on me. 

I start breathing again. 

"Where are Tanc and Carm ?" I ask, feeling the need to change the subject. 

Shelina burst into laughter. "They came home about fifteen minutes ago" she then says, pointing at the door. I look at the clock in the living room : 10:43 AM. Classical Carm and Tanc, if I dare say. I am not the only one amused though. "They were still drunk and got lost around the city with the buses" 

This time, I am the one laughing my ass off, as Shelina is biting on her eggs. She then has a grin on her face and immediately drinks water.

"What ? Did you screw the eggs ?" I ask, starting to smirk. 

She shakes her head. "They're expired" 

That makes me laugh, even though I am a little bit embarrassed to have Melissa Henderson and Rachel Daly as roommates ; they are the nicest, but damn they are messy. I look as Shelina is spitting the wasted egg in the lavatory, before turning around. 

I smirk. 


We then burst into laughter, before remembering Tanc and Carm are sleeping in a room not that far away. We then decide to go for a workout in BBVA Compass stadium, and this is the start of a great day. 

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