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I am terrible at cooking. The only reason why I am not admitting it in front of my sister is that I hate when she's right.

So, instead of trying to help cook the meal for everybody tonight, I am just sitting on one of the kitchen's chairs, watching Sam and her friends cook. More like Sam and Abby are cooking, while Megan and Steph are watching them do so.

After a little while, Abby comes and sits next to me. She seems quite nervous, and I know it is not because of me.

"Hey, Kris" she starts, picking her words carefully. "I know you and Sam planned to go to the cinema tomorrow for her birthday" she carefully says, as I am frowning. "The thing is that I have a surprise for her, and that the person that is in charge of... Well, what it is, just texted me to rescheduled it for tomorrow..."

I smile. "Don't worry. I bet Sam doesn't want to go to the cinema with me anymore. She's mad."

Abby nods. "She is." she confirms, trying to hide her smile. "She wouldn't be your sister if she wasn't. Maybe go and talk to her sometime."

"Yeah" I sigh.

We remain seated a little bit longer, while the three girls still in the kitchen are laughing their asses off because one of them burnt something.

Abby suddenly looks at me again.

"Wait" she says, embarrassed. "Did you buy the tickets already ? For tomorrow, I mean."

I nod. "Yeah, but it's all right."

"I'm sorry, if I had known..." she starts, but suddenly stops. "What's the movie again ?"

"Fantastic Beasts" I say, not that happy.

I have never been a Harry Potter fan, but with a sister like Sam and a best friend like Steph, I didn't have a choice but to watch the entire series at least 14 times already. I figured Sam would be happy to see the new movie, so I bought tickets for Steph and her, but the brunette appears to have something planned with her mother.

When I put my attention back on Abby, I can see her smile widely.

"I think Meg wanted to see this movie" she says, winning.

I see what the means here.

"No way" I warn her, giving her a killing look. "I am not taking that bitch with me. I'd rather go alone"

While I am saying the last sentence, Megan makes her entrance, looking at me with piercing eyes.

Of course the other day was great. Even though I will never admit it to her, the couple of hours we spent criticizing people and making fun of each other were pretty cool. But she remains my sister's possible girlfriend, and a bitch.

Megan smirks.

"I heard you were talking about me" she lets out, obviously referring to the 'bitch' I said. "Since you seem desperate to go alone, I will sacrifice myself and come with you."

With that said, she winks at me, and before I can say anything, she gives me what I believe is a seductive smile and goes back to the kitchen. My eyes immediately fall on Abby, who is silently holding her laugh back.

I punch her arm, and she burst into laughter.

"You're so dead" I let out, my mean bitch face on.

She stops laughing, but I can clearly see her smirk when she goes back to the kitchen because Sam called her.

Why the fuck is my sister's girlfriend inviting herself in the cinema with me ?



My brother's voice echoes in the silent house.

I take an ultimate look at that beautiful home of mine, that has been for the last few years. Leaving Washington because of the trade really is a heartbreak. I have given my whole to this team, and loved it and each and every player with all my heart. I still can't believe all that has happened in a few weeks : we went from celebrating us making it to the final of the championship, to players being traded everywhere.

Megan to Boston. Nairn to Seattle. Me to Orlando. And God knows who else ? Will Crystal stay ? And Labbé ? And Shelina ? The future of this team is not define. Either is it too bright.

I put my luggage in the truck, before sitting in the car. Kyle looks at me and sees the pain in my eyes. He shakes my hand with tenderness.

"It's okay, big girl. You didn't quit on them. They were the one quitting on you." he softly says, a smile on his lips.

"I know" I sadly say. "Their loss, I deserve more than being treated like shit when I was the first Olympian back on the field to help my team."

"Yas!" my brother theatrically explains. "That's my sister right here!" He focuses in the road again, before adding : "Besides, you will play with Ash and Alex again"

"True" I thoughtfully let out. 

Of course, playing with the goalkeeper, who always has been my best friend, is the only great thing coming out of the trade. We went to Sweden together. And then Washington. We made the team together. She's so fierce and positive that it's really great being around her. And Kyle likes her too, which is a great point. 

He drives straight to the airport. Orlando, here I go. 

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