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From : Shelina Zadorsky 

Hey Al, I heard something happened in Orlando... Want me to come ?

My eyes are doing back and forth between the 'send' button and the text I am about to send her, 'yes'. I delete the word and lock my screen. I then sigh.

So, I wasn't really planning on falling in love with a 24-year-old. In fact, I used to hate her because I have an aversion for Canadian people because I used to hate their team. But we've been playing together for a while now, and one day everything changed. It was a cold evening, actually, and I just received a call from my father, telling me he wasn't ever coming back. I had to announce the news to my mom. Once I did her cry on the phone and say horrible things like the fact that she would kill herself or such, I just burst into tears. She happened to be on the hallway at that exact moment, and the rest is history : she hugged me and helped me with my struggles. We stayed up the entire night, only to fall asleep just before the sun was up, before being discovered by Crystal. 

She obviously is the main reason I am happy not to be in the Spirit anymore. I mean, I am 32. 8 years of difference. It's way too much. I know some people say age doesn't matter, but for me it does, because she can't like me. Or maybe she does, but she's hiding it very well. Being away from her is heartbreaking, but at least I can't lose control and make out with her if she's not right next to me. 

As I am lost in my thoughts, I hear the door open. Ashlyn comes in, followed by Kyle. I can see in his eyes that he is ashamed of what he's done, but I am honestly too angry at him to forgive him right away or even feel bad for him. 

I've always been there for him. Like, when he was in a really bad place in his life, accepting any kind of self destruction factors such as drugs, smoking, drinking... Well, during those awful years I was there, sending him texts every day so that I know that he'd answer. And if he's answer, then it means he wasn't dead. I was there. Now, he's here, standing right in front of me, while my best friend in the world is sitting next to me. 

Kyle seems ashamed of himself. 

"Ali..." he starts. 

Oh non, I know that voice too well. 

"Why did you tell Allie ?"

He sighs. "I honestly don't even know, I was drunk and-"

"I won't buy excuses this time" I warn him, setting my jaw. I can see he's scared of me. I mean, he better be. "You listened to our conversations. A private, very embarrassing conversation. And then, you told a girl you don't even know that one of my best friends slept with her girlfriend just because you were drunk ?"  

"I'm sorry." He articulates. 

I can see he means it. So do I when I say : 

"Go home." 



"Wait, where is Alex ?" I ask, out of breath. 

Kaylyn throws a despising look at me. 

"She left after the party to catch a plane" she says, before walking away. 

I grab her arm. "Wait, what plane ?" I insist, really wanting to know where one of my best friend is going. 

She frowns. She really does seem upset, so I let go of her arm. I've never really likes her because she seems cold and fake, but, yeah, a lot of my friends like her, so I can't tell her I don't like her, it would be disrespectful. 

And she probably seems to think the same about me. 

"She probably is going to Sydney's house in Kansas" she says. 

"What about Allie ?" 

"Back in Portland."

With that said, she leaves the room. I roll my eyes : how am I supposed to get the gang back together if the two amigas I am supposed to help are gone ? I sigh, and get my phone out of my pocket. 

Tobin's number is in my favorites. 


Her chill voice makes me smirk. 

"Hey, yoga master, I need your help." I say. 

"'Sup ?" 

"So, Alex messed up by having sex with Sarah, just before Allie got here and had sex with Sarah, so basically everything is going shit and I am supposed to fix things so if you'd be kind enough as to-"

"Kelley, I don't understand anything. Slow down, dude" she interrupts me, before laughing a little bit. "I heard about Alex. Just so you know, Allie still is my ride or die, and Alex hurt her, so to me she's a douche." 

I sigh. 

"Wow, that's direct" I comment. 

"Yeah. Listen, you should give Allie some time. She might come back to her senses, especially now that she broke up with Sarah." 

"Again ?" I ask, laughing. 

I can hear her sigh. "That's not funny, Kel. Sarah better move her ass, otherwise Alex is not the only person I will kill"

At that very moment, I don't know if she means it or not. Knowing Tobin, she probably is meaning it. So now, I am on my own. And there only are Sarah, Ali and Kaylyn left in Orlando. That's messed up. 

"Thanks for your help, dude" I sarcastically say. 

"Don't worry man" she lets out, and I can imagine her rolling her eyes just fine. "I'll take care of Allie. I always do." 

"You sure do" I say. 

I hang off. 

I shall change my plans then.  

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