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I am quietly cooking when Gibby burst into the room, her angry face on. Wondering that I have done (again), I then remember. 

Oops, I broke her eyeliner.

"Are you fucking serious ?" she yells, throwing the eyeliner that is broken in two pieces now at my face. Not able to catch it, I receive it in my eyes. My hands on my face, I am getting ready for the storm to come. "How did you even manage to break it in two ?"

"I didn't do anything !" I exclaim, using my liar talents. But Gibby of course isn't fooled, as she crosses her arms against her chest. "Fine, I'm sorry ! I tried a new trick and it obviously didn't work out."

"'Obviously'" she quotes, rolling her eyes. 

I suddenly feel ashamed. "Sorry. I'll buy you another one."

"You better" she mutters, before exiting the room and continuing getting ready. 

She probably comes across my mother, because two female voices are echoing in the house. I let a sigh of relief out, closing my eyes. But as I am cooking, my phone buzzes. I glace at it, and see it's Jane texting me. I try to know what it is all about - because the keeper obviously isn't texting me that much usually, or at all - but the picture she sent me can't be seen from here. Rolling my eyes because I am too curious, I wash my hands and open the text.

I immediately regret it. 

The picture was taken at the party, probably pretty late in the night, because we can see me kissing a pretty brunette. Of course Gibby's face is not viable, because she almost fully turns her back on the camera, but if you know her, you know it's her bun, because she has a spacial way to do it. I feel my throat turning sore, as I ready Jane's description of the picture : All Andi, Sonnett, Lindsey, Moe and Cari know. Just get ready for your phone to blow up. Have a nice day, Rosie

At least Jane is a supportive friend, I think to myself, not sure if I am glad to know in advance that all my annoying friends are going to call/text/stalk me about it. When I hear Gibby walking down the stairs, I lock my phone, throwing it on the couch across the kitchen and living room. When the defender makes it here, she frowns by the sight of the awkward Rose. 

As she is about to say something, a voice raises from the living room. It's my sister, Nora, who I totally forgot is coming home today. 

"You guys are dating ?" she exclaims, staring at me. 

Gibby looks at me, confused. I run toward my sister, basically jump on her - which make both of us fall on the couch - and take my phone away from her. 

"We. Are. Not." I aggressively say, getting up on my feet again, before turning around to see Gibby looking at me, confused. "You, go back to my room, I need to speak to my sister alone and-"

"How did she know ?" Christina asks, serious, but obviously feeling uneasy. 

Nora chooses this moment to get up, tap my back with a smirk on her face, and say : 

"I'll leave you two lovebirds alone"

With that said, she just gets out of the room, while Gibby is staring at me. 

"I thought you didn't remember ?" she asks, raising her eyebrows. 

Think fast, Lavelle. "I don't." 

I show her the picture on the phone. When she takes it in her hands, she suddenly blushes, before looking at me again. 




I look up at her, and see something new into her eyes. She takes the phone from my hands again, and takes a step forward, showing me the picture again. I cough, because I feel like this is not a conventional distance between two people. 

She, on the other hand, doesn't seem to mind. 

"Tell me that you don't remember anything from watching this picture, and I will leave you alone" she whispers, as I take a look at the picture. Of course I feel it. "The whole seduction game you used to make me fall for you. The soft kisses on my neck, slowly biting my skin and make it last during a whole dance. And then, when I attacked your lips, with my soft, delicious lips. Tell me this picture doesn't make you feel anything, and I will leave you alone."

My heart is hurting because it beats too fast, as my eyes are making back an forth between Gibby's eyes and lips.   


She puts a hand in the hollow of my back, and all the emotions I've felt that night come back to the surface. She looks down at my lips, a sad smile on. 

"Too bad you can't remember." she whispers, before getting even closer. I mean, any move could make our lips meet, but I am frozen, and she stands still, before removing her hand from my back. "Because I do. Every little detail." 

As I am about to tell her to back off - because I've never been that terrified by anything, even Trump becoming president - we hear the door open, which means my father is back. Gibby quickly walks away from me, pretending to help me with the dishes. 

What do I do ? I wanted her, and now she kinda wants me too. Why didn't I just kiss her or something ? So many unanswered questions. 



"You are a piece of art."

We are lying down on the bed, naked, as her back is not covered by anything. So I've been running my fingers on it, tracing delicate circles. Because for me, that is what love is all about : discovery of the darkest, yet most beautiful sides of the partner. And what a partner I have. To be honest, there is something about her that is out of this world. 

Julie starts smirking. 

"Listen to you, Shakespeare" she sarcastically lets out, rolling her eyes at me. 

I frown. "Don't you love art ?"

"I am art" the defender immediately says, cracking a smile. When I am looking at her with a dark look on, she only smiles more. "Your saying, not mine."

"Come here."

She immediately climbs on top of me, making sure not to be too heavy or something. Then, she just runs her fingers through my hair, as I am continuing the tracing of my divine circles on her divine back. 

Never had I thought I'd have found love again. Especially not with her. 

"You're so quiet." she whispers, looking down at my lips. "You always are."

"I don't need a lot of words, only several actions and a countless amount of stars in my eyes to say I love you to you."

Julie is clearly moved by what I just said. She silently nods, before leaning in very slowly, making me beg for her lips to crash on mine. When she finally does so, I don't let her go. I will never let her go, because she is my woman. 

{A/N : get ready for the two final chapters, they're quite intense. Keep on commenting and liking, I hope you guys will like it}

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