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And that's a wrap for the rest of the day. 

Julie asked earlier if I wanted to go and grab a coffee with her, and of course I had to accept. I winked at Carli when I followed the blonde, and the brunette just rolled her eyes and followed the rest of the girls to the hotel. We walked to this little bistro not that far from the hotel, and settled in a table. The blonde seems pretty nervous, and I know she didn't ask me for a coffee only because she wants to spend time with me ; she's got something in mind. 

Since she looks hesitant and pretty shy, I decide that it is my duty to start off the conversation by saying : 

"You know I'd never judge you, right ?"

She smiles. "I know. But what I am about to tell you is a bit of a shocker."

I nod, waiting for her to find the right words. 

There is something pretty amazing about the friendship I have with Julie ; she came into my life in 2014, when she joined the senior team, but now it just doesn't feel right to be on the pitch without her. She's been such a good pupil, and strong defender under my watch that sometimes I can't help but think I helped her achieve that. Don't get me wrong, she really is the best defender I have ever played with, but I consider her a little bit like my little sister. So when she told me things are not pretty for her right now, I told her I was here when she needed to talk. I guess now is the time. 

Julie looks worried about my reaction though, when she says : 

"I had an abortion" 

My eyes go wide. 

"What ? When ?"

"Uhm... Just after the Olympics..." she admits, looking down at the ground. 

All I want to do at the moment is yell at her about how late she waited to finally tell me, but that's not what she needs right now. I start thinking about how that made her feel or something, but then it pops up to my mind. 

"Zach didn't react well, did he ?" I ask, worried about the answer she might give me (even though I kinda already know the answer.)

She looks down at the ground, her eyes getting wet when she says ; "He wanted a family so bad, but I can't give him that right now..."

When I see a tear run down her cheek, I immediately get closer to her and wrap my arms around her in a motherly way. She holds her tears back, but appreciates the hug. Once she seems to have stopped crying, I sit back down on my chair and look at her, looking for the right words in that situation. 

I sigh. 

"I'm sorry JJ" is all I manage to say for now. 

"I t-thought he'd have understood... I am young, I still want to play a World Cup, and the only way to do that is to be present during those building years" she says, setting her jaw. "I love him, but I don't want kids now, it's too soon..."

"J, what happened ?" I ask, worried about the way Zach handled the news.

Julie shakes her head. 

"Well, he looks so disappointed for days, and then I told him that it'd be better if we break up because I didn't want to hold him back forever... We obviously didn't have the same dreams anymore." 

"Oh, Julie" I let out, sighing. "I'm so sorry honey..."

I hold her hand into mine, and she starts smiling. She then looks up at me, trying to figure out what to say. 

"You know" she starts, before having a soft laugh. "When I found out you weren't dating Zola anymore, I immediately thought to myself ; 'she is in love with somebody else, that's the only way she'd leave him'. When I found out about Carli and you, I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda shocked. But then, I saw the way she was looking at you - because she's way more obvious than you are - I said to myself ; 'damn, she loves her'." With that said, she just looks at me, while I am not sure where this conversation is heading. Nonetheless, I am blushing. Julie smirks. "Now, thanks to you guys, I really think I can bring the pieces together again." 

I nod. 

"If you need anything, you know I am always here, okay ?" I ask, before hugging her again, tightening my embrace. "I'm proud of you, J. Never forget that."



As I am getting ready in my room, Sonnett comes in, before closing the door behind her. When I turn around, she looks terrified. 

"Look" she says in a shaking voice. "It's not what you think, okay ? I mean, I know you've seen what you've seen, but it's not like that. We... uhm, occasionally have sex because we are two grown women that want to have a little fun, but there is nothing serious, and the reason I didn't tell you is because she's your best friend and I though you'd be mad at me because well I am your roommate and now... I mean, just know that I am sorry if you're mad or something, I feel really shameful, and-"

"Sonnett" I cut her off, raising my eyebrow. "It's fine" I assure her. 

She doesn't look convinced. 

"Oh, I know that look !" she exclaims, her eyes going wide. "It's the 'I'll pretend I am not mad right now but stab you in the neck with a fork while you sleep' look !"

"It's not !" I say, bursting into laughter. "I mean, it's weird for me to think of you two, well... Ugh, I am not going to describe what I've seen. But, like you said, you are two grown women and I have nothing to say about your intimate choices." 

Emily looks pretty shocked about what I just said, so I just keep on getting my things ready for training. Without any other word, she goes out of the room to get ready as well. I then start smiling. 

Of course I have known what has been happening for a while now ; Lindsey's my best friend, so she told me and Cari because she obviously can't lie to us. We reacted in very different ways ; Cari just burst into laughter and kept on laughing for fifteen minuets before saying something like 'that's golden', while I just sat here in shock, but then just dealt with it, because that's what friends do. 

I smirk, before feeling my phone buzz in my pocket. My throat then goes sore ; it's Andressa again. The other day, I had to cancel our little 'date' because training lasted longer than it was supposed to, and then there was the draft yesterday so I've been busy. I open the text, feeling nauseous all of a sudden.   

A : {8:32 AM} I leave tomorrow

I sigh, before texting back : 

M : {8:32 AM} have to finish some things up this evening, but there is nobody in the hotel if you wanna join

My heart starts beating faster, as it says that she is typing. When the answer finally comes, I read it right away ; 

A : {8:33 AM} k, but am I even allowed here

I smile. 

M : {8:33 AM} of course, you're my special guest ;)

Ugh, that was too cheesy and stupid, why did I write that ? I think to myself, bringing my hand to cover my face. This time, I have to wait two full minutes - dear lord, that never lasted that long - for her to answer. 

A : {8:35 AM} see you tonight then  

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