Chapter 37. Birthday Part 2.

Start from the beginning

Suddenly I could no longer hear him running behind me. I stopped and half turned around knowing he was upto some trick. I could not see him so I flashed the light from my mobile.

He was nowhere around!

"Shishir this is not funny. I know you are upto something. Where are you?"

Till he was with me all was fine but now it seemed all very scary. In the quite of the night I could hear some sounds of the wild. I tried to supress a shudder.

Suvi! What is wrong with you? How can you be so sissy and scared? Shishir is around. He is just pulling your leg.

All sorts of weird thoughts and tales started coming into my mind. Are there really spirits in the jungle? Oh God No! What am I even thinking?

What about criminals? It is not something not possible. Criminals and law breakers often try to hide from authorities and woods are among their favourite hideouts- at least in movies and novels it is.

Oh God. Supposing someone had attacked Shishir  and hurt him? I looked around desperately flashing the light from my torch.



"Shishir!" I said trying to stifle a sob.

I froze as I heard a rustling sound from behind me. I spun around and caught a movement on the tree.

My eyes widened as I remembered something I had seen on T.V sometime backn.

"Anaconda!" I said falling on my knees. "Oh my God!" I covered my mouth in horror. It had swallowed Shishir.

I felt sobs raking through me and then felt a sudden surge of anger at the thought of Shishir  being hurt – or even- oh no! I cannot even think about that!

I picked up random items from the ground and started hurtling them in the direction from where the sound had come.

Suddenly something leaped and within seconds I lay tackled on the ground. I tried to free my hands when I realised it was Shishir! He was shaking violently.

"Shishir! Are you hurt! Oh my God."

I stopped short when I heard a snort leave him and realised he was shaking with laughter!


"Price less. You are- just priceless." He said between gasps of breath.

I glared at him trying to sit up. Here I was half dead with fear and worry for him and he was laughing at me?

"Anaconda!" he screeched and went into another fit of laughter. "Where – do you think you are? Amazon banks?" He said and rolled with laughter. Literally.

I felt my cheeks warm up. That was little far fetched imagination on my part.

"You are being horribly mean so I am not going to talk to you." I huffed at Shishir. I stood up and dusted the dust and grass from my jeans.

He got up still laughing. He pulled me by my hand as he moved forward "Come let's start a campfire."

I immediately perked up at the thought. "The forest reserve authorities keep dried woods, logs etc at various points for campers if requested in advance. They must have kept for us- somewhere there. " He said pointing to one side.

I could not stay angry at this man for long. He seemed to always think ahead and ensure I would have a good time.

Within twenty minutes we had arranged the woods and it was ready to be lit. I saw Shishir  pour some liquid on it and then threw in a lighted match.

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