"Bye mom love you"

"Love you too" I say hoping the tears don't come out.

"Cat" I hear Paul's voice. "I'm just a call away"

He said while closing the door, um ok weird.

I look at the room and see that I'm still in my sweat and a t-shirt.

"Shit I have less than an hour to get my stuff ready" I scream.

I run to my suitcase and stuff all my make up and dirty clothes on the floor.

I shutdown my phone and kinda made the bed to look like I did have a pillow fight and just slept.


"And here we have the USA gymnastics Olympic team" the host of the talk show said.

After I left that hotel Jordyn told me that we have a interview later today and she picked out our clothes.

"So Callie" I snapped out if my thought and turned to face the host.


"We heard that your boyfriend has left to Japan for the last of his tour"

Dang I'm not allowed to talk about anything but gymnastic.

"Yes he did"

"Will he be coming to see you compete"

"Well I would love if he did but we all have jobs to do don't we"

"Well what about your daughter Drew"

I sighed "well I know she with Niall and is having the time of her life but I came to talk about gymnastics isn't that why I'm on this talk show"

He laughed and started talking to Jordyn, and than Ally and Gabby.

"Do Mackayla we herd you call the team something"

She did her award winning smile as we call it

"Yes Fierce Five"

"Whys that"

"Well we train but we are fierce on the events and meet give up with anything we have to have it done. I think we get that from Ally and Callie being the eldest of the group and pushing us to try our best and don't give up"

"Marta what about you"

"She is right from day one Callie and Ally have done there best to push this team over the limit and to try there best. We all work best together but I have to say seeing Jordyn and Callie talk about anything and do things together like sister of the group that helps to"

"Yes that's right Jordyn and Callie are the girl that we have a picture here of them at McDonald at what 2am"

Me and Jordyn laugh "yes we had a hard work out and we where hungry so we need to eat" Jordyn said

"Well people on twitter and Instagram said that you guys where the loudest people there"

I bet I turned red "well we had Paul the boys bodyguard with us and well he's like a dad to me so I like to mess with him so we did"

Marta looked my way and I think cracked a smile.

"Well will take some questions from twitter and when where back the girls will answer them"

He left back stage and i walkedup to some girls and they started screaming.

"your Callie Hale"

"yea thye invited me this nterview where i have to come woth some of my best friends so yea thats me" i laughed

Lucy Hale is my SisterWhere stories live. Discover now