Chapter one: then he did it again.

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-Jennifer's pov-


I met him in 2011 when I found out that we were going to co workers on the film series The Hunger Games, I was so excited, I'd seen his pervious work and it was amazing, he's a really good actor. But I don't really know what he is like, he could be mean and horrible but the rest of the cast members told me things about him and they wouldn't lie so I just relying on them to make sure that they are right about Josh. Because the first I met him was a strange way of getting to know someone but you can't go back.

Once I got home from the set , I place my bags , coat, and shoes away on the floor, I change out of my green, silk long dress and into my Winnie the Pooh pajamas, they are my favorite.

I walk over to Nick who is fast asleep in our duck egg green bedroom, he's rolled out over the double bed that lies against the black wall, my window and the en suite bathroom are against the duck egg blue walls , so is my massive walk in wardrobe next to the door , to the kitchen and front of the flat. I push him over to his side and tuck myself in, I kiss him goodnight but I can't sleep I decide to get out my phone and hover over Josh's name in my phone book, we all get each's others numbers so we can contact each other easily than email, I guess he's got mine. I take a deep breath in and click on Josh's name and the number starts the dial, I check to see if Nick is still asleep. Luckily he is. Just then a very masculine voice is saying hello to me. At first I panic and freeze and just leave him hanging but then he realizes it's me.


He's says questioning the name. I breath a sigh relief and answer him.

"Yes" I patiently wait for him to answer, I get up from the bed and walk out into the kitchen shutting the door behind me, I open the massive door to my balcony and just stand out there for some breeze it was getting a bit hot in there.

"Oh hi Jennifer why have you rang me? Are you okay? Your not in trouble are you?"

I scoff at his questions and try not to laugh, I lean against the railings of the balcony looking down.

"No no of course I'm not ,Josh, don't worry. I just couldn't sleep but im sorry for waking you I'll go"

But then he says something that shocks me.

"No no don't go I don't mind losing sleep" I giggle at what he just said.

"Josh, I'm so bored" I sigh and wine down the phone him making tut and probably roll his eyes laughing.

"Then let's go on a walk?" He suggests, he must know what I can't decline a walk, because I love it.

"Oh okay then meet me outside my flat it's number 24b ,block D, down barneyabey way, you know where that is?" Ask quickly and sharply.

"Yeah of course see you then bye"

"Bye" I say quickly before he hangs up.

I can't believe I'm going on a walk with the Josh Hutcherson at about 11 at night,it took me an hour to get ready for bed I got in at 9 but I couldn't sleep. I quickly shut the balcony door quietly and walk into my bedroom , changing out of my pajamas and into some jeans and a top, I put a bit of makeup on and do my hair, before kissing Nick and shutting the door, I leave him a little note:

"nick, I'm on out on a walk I couldn't sleep ring me if you need me"

in case he wakes and wonders were iam. I pick up my bag, I put my trainers on not high heels and slowly shut the door to my flat behind me checking Nick hasn't followed I walk left down the corridor right into Josh.

"Woah sorry" I say shocked and sorry. Josh just laughs and hugs me.

"It's okay and good to meet Jennifer"

it's strange way to greet someone, I never really hug a anyone so it's strange for me. Once we pull apart we just walk side by side, just talking about nonsense , laughing and joking. Until we get to a bench and we sit down and Josh a tiny mini bottle of wine into to plastic party cups and I start laughing at how small and Josh slurps his and pull a face in disgust which makes him laugh.

I've finshed my wine in less a couple of mins but Josh is still hanging onto his.

I turn to face him looking into his beautiful eyes, they were right he did have perfect eyes. I look around to make sure no one is watching us because it is Los Angeles, but no one is. And Josh just keeps staring into my eyes and I'm fixxed onto his. Before we aren't aware of what is happening we are both leaning closer to each other, Josh puts his glass down and his hands were on my face giving my a tingly sensation and my hands were on his face and were kissing. After a couple of mintues we kept going but then I realize what we' were doing and I pulled away in horror.

Our secret love- JoshiferTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang