Chapter Thirty Six: Camping out

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Josh sat there in the gas station till the closing time of nine pm. He had not moved all day, every newspaper, any article of their interview he had placed in front of him.

Collecting up the newspapers tucking them under his arm and walking out to his car.

He turned left out of LA and he drove until he saw no more of the horrid street lamps that kept flicking every night but into the beautiful side of Kentucky.

He drove up the drive of his parents deserted house, even in this light which was none at all it still looked as beautiful as when he was a kid.

He sat there admiring the house for a second before getting out, he bent down feeling his way around under the matt on the doorstep. Till his hand touched ice cold metal, lifting the key into his hand and unlocked the house

'No matter how many times you leave. The place you once grew up in will always be there to welcome you back'

Jennifer tried for the fifth time that evening to get through to Josh but it kept going to answerphone.

Sighing she gave up her eyes were so sore after crying. Jennifer was around the kitchen table of her parents house, cupping a chp of tea with her hands as the heat warmed her whole body up she began to smile at her Mother's terrible jokes.

The twins were playing with their cousins in the other room, she smiled at the sound of their giggling. Their cousins Mary and Kain were 10&5 her brother had children very young.

That night as the two of them fell asleep in two empty beds they began to wonder if this would be the life if they had never had met. Would it really be this lonely? 

Josh sighed to himself as he thought of Jennifer lying there in the bed. She didn't deny any of those things, was she really cheating on him?

'Staying away from home is just like camping out'


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Should they break up completely?

Should I do another Joshifer or a Everlark?


love ya munchkins ♥

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