Chapter two: First day on set

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-Monday Morning-
-Jennifer's pov-
Eugh this isn't fair getting up at this early even to work. I lift my head up from under my cover, jeez the bright light. Wow me and Nick must have had sex last night, I can't even remember. I lift my hand up to my chest drawers and fumble around but I can't find my phone. I groan and put my head down and then force myself to get out of bed. I make the bed back, and open my curtains. The bright sun blinds my eyes and I have to cover my face with my arm and stand back. I put my arm down and my eyes get used to the bright light.
I walk out of mine&nicks room and into the kitchen/ living area. There are a load of wine bottles everywhere well I say that I mean about two. I pick them up and put then them the plastic bag to out for the bin man. Suddenly I spot my phone lying on the table vibrating, I walk closer to it and trip over a couple of pizza boxes. In anger I put them near the wine bottles and tidy my way to my phone.

Once I finally reach the table , I sit down and charge my phone up seeing as most of the battery has been drained. I have 1 message off Mum , 2 of Nick , 5 off each cast member and 6 from Josh.
Ignore every one else's messages and click on Josh's I can't help but smile and then the butterflies start.

Josh: hello Jen hope your okay? Saw you got a bit drunk last night;).
Josh: do you want me to pick you up?
Josh: your probably sleeping but I'll pick you up at 11 okay?
Josh: see you there.

I click off the messages and check the time it's 10:5o oh sugar that's in ten minutes. I place my phone down back on the table and wind my way around the rubbish and into my room, I shut the door and sigh a breath of relief, I stop thanking myself that I didn't fall over and I walk into my walk -in wardrobe I put out my outfit it's black leggings, a cream/whitey top , a burgundy scarf , a beige cardigan and boots. I slap on a bit of makeup and do my hair. I look in the mirror and see how I look, I look fine.
Not to formal ,not to causal. I check the time on the clock in the wardrobe, it's a minute to 11. I turn all the lights off and shut the doors. I walk into the living area and a black plastic bag and start clearing up the rubbish.

By the time it's turned eleven I've tidied up and put everything near the door.
I sort myself out and eat something, I fill up a bottle for work. Just then the door goes, I instantly smile and pick the plastic bags, my phone, my bag and put the bottle inside my work back and open the door. Josh is stood there looking cute as ever. Once he sees I'm struggling he takes one of the plastic bags off me. I lock the flat door and we walk down the corridor together. He tells me a story of what happened to him once while taking out the rubbish and as we reach the bins , we place them in the bin. And we walk to my car and as we start moving Josh looks at me and I look at him and we smile. I put the radio on and we just hum along to that.

"I enjoyed Friday even though we shouldn't of kissed" Josh says not letting of my gaze and I smile and blush.
"Same but you kiss good" Josh laughs and looks at the road.
"Yeah so do you. We have to get used to kissing each other" I scoff and smile.

We arrive at the set and Josh takes my arm into his. And we walk in together. Our first day on set and me and Josh have already kissed. He kisses my cheek as I go off without him. I miss him more than I miss Nick but I don't miss Nick at all. Which is strange because I'm supposed to be in love with him. But every time I'm with Nick it begins but then after a while it fizzes down. I wish I'd had never met Josh, my feelings for Nick are fading and are growing for Josh.

-hours later-
It's time to go home now. Nick hasn't been in contact with me all day, which is strange normally when he knows I'm on set he just spams my phone. I try to call him but there is no answer. I hug Josh and the rest of the cast members good bye for the night and I get in my car and drive home.

When I arrive home , I put the keys into the door and let it swing, I shut the door with my left foot and call nicks name.

"Nick I'm home where are you?"
There was no answer I just let it ring and echo my voice calling Nick the one I'm supposed to love in a flat that he isn't even in. I walk into our bedroom and put my coat on the rail and out my bag near my side of the bed. I spot a yellow note laying on the chest drawers near the door to my walk-in-wardrobe- I pick it up. It's for me.

"Dearest Jennifer , I'm sorry to alarm you and make you worry but look I'm sorry okay? I love you and everything but you know that time when we had that massive row? And we went off on our different holidays? You went with your parents and I went with my friends? Well I met up with a girl and we have kept in contact and I didn't know when to tell you but everytime I was out I was seeing her and my son. So Jennifer when Maria asked me move in so that I don't have to keep moving from yours to ours. So I was half cheating and half not. But I love you not her"

I sit down on the sofa clutching the note and the bottle of wine. I'm about to smash this bottle of wine into a min. I suddenly jump up , I go into the bathroom , I wash my face off so my face isn't tear stained and I get changed out of my work clothes to more slouchy clothes. And I shut my bedroom door and turn on the Telly and try and focus on that while drinking half the bottle. Who would listen to me?
Not Katie even thought she is supposed to be my best friend. Josh! He said he's always here for me. I pick my phone up , shaking a bit , it takes me a while to finally dial his number and I sigh a big breath of relief when I hear his voice. I smile and keep sipping my wine.

"Josh?" I say shakily and scared.
He could be with Claudia and I don't want to ruin their evening.

"Yes" Josh says quickly back ,
I take a deep breath out and start moving around still holding onto the glass.

"Are you busy it's just...."
I don't get to finish my sentence because I start crying on the phone to Josh who I've only known for 4 days.

"Woa Jennifer it's okay I'm going to be right over shsh calm down"
Josh says so smoothly and calming down the phone. I hang up knowing he will be there very soon. I just look down at my phone letting the tears fall down my cheeks.

It doesn't take Josh long to get here. As soon as he knocks on the door, I put my wine glass on the table , get him a glass out and run to the door. I open the door and fall into Josh's arms. He doesn't hesitate to hold his arms around me. After I've stopped crying on him, I let him in , he shuts the door behind him, taking off his coat and sits down on the sofa. While I walk into the openplan kitchen and pour him a glass of wine, I walk into the living room and give him his wine. And I sit down and tell him everything.

I say looking just at him and he looks up from his wine, and looks into my eyes.

he says making me laugh and he smiles with red teeth from the wine.

"Do I look a mess?"
I say trying not to think of how bad my appearance must be looking.

He just looks at me , putting his wine down, he takes mine from me and puts both wines on the coffee table in front of us. And he just looks into my eyes , I look back into his eyes. Not looking at anything else but each other's eyes, I keep getting massive butterflies every time I look into them. We kiss now , placing our hands again onto each other's faces, kissing more faster now, I push josh down onto the sofa, so I'm technically on top of him , kissing him. We have to stop half way through because we end up smiling.

Josh picks me up , my legs are locked around his waist as he carries me into my bedroom, I take off my top , slipping off my trousers, so I'm just in underwear kissing Josh.
I unbutton his shirt and fling it off onto the floor , I start to unbuckle his belt and his trousers slowly slide down his legs, he lifts each leg up so they fall neatly on the floor in a pile. He quickly opens the door and shuts it again , he lays me on the bed while he shuts the curtains and dims the lights, he makes sure the en suite bathroom is shut. Before lying on the bed with me just side by side looking at each other, holding hands. He then quickly moves me so he's looking down at me kissing me. You don't understand the butterflies that are racing through my body.

All the emotions. I love it. It's better than with Nick. I think my feelings are growing for Josh at every kiss.
It's like infectious and I might catch something,

maybe his love.

Our secret love- JoshiferWhere stories live. Discover now