Chapter eleven: claudia

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I wake up to the birds calling their maters to awaken us. I smile and open my eyes, I breathe in the nice clean air from the Hawaiian island. I get up from my bed and open the curtains, the view of the beach is perfect, how blue the sea looks. I smile and make my way into the little kitchen area, Liam should be here today.

I get a glass from the cupboard and pour myself a drink of orange juice, I sit down at the table looking out the window at the view,. I take my phone off charge  where it has been all night.
I have ten missed calls , 20 unread messages and 134 emails. But I always have loads of emails I don't check them.
I click on all 20 messages. Most of them are from Katie, a couple from Liam, 4 from Josh and one from Claudia?
I shakily click on her message, not wanting to be hurt at what she has said. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in before reading the message.

Claudia: hey Jen, umm look sorry to bother you. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for threatening you about staying away from Josh. I can't stop two best friends from seeing each can I now? No so you can spend as much time as you want with him but he is still my boyfriend. Love ya.

I have to reread the message more than once to make sure I'm not dreaming. Claudia Josh's girlfriend has actually sent me an apology wow that's a first. Laughing I get up from the table and make my way back into my room to get changed.

Im changed into dark navy cut off jeans, creamy pink lace crop top, a baby pink quilted cardigan, with a spiky braclet and the watch my dad brought me and to go with all that i have these creamy biege vintage boots half like amy boots but it has pattens that have been cut out. 

I get all my belongings and shut the door behind me before making my way downstairs and into the canteen area for breakfast, as soon as I arrive Immediately I spot Josh, who is sat at a table with the rest of the cast members, I put my sunglasses over my eyes and slowly walk towards them, I pull out a chair inbetween Sam , Jenna and Josh. They smile at me, I hug them and kiss their cheeks, they are 3 of my best friends since we were told that we were going to be working together, when the three of us met we insintly clicked.

Jenna is wearing a dark peach coloured crop top and black skin tight disco pants with black doc martians, Sam is wearing a navy blue shirt with light blue washed jeans and red toms, Josh is wearing a plain white t-shirt , black jeans , sunglasses and his leather jacket flung across his right shoulder and massive smile on his face. His smile is die for.

 Josh finds my hand under the table and he holds it, but he looks at me and i give him the death glare and he lets go of my hand losely, we are really cheating on Claudia but the way she is with him is unbelieveable she won't let him have his own space. But I can't help but fall in love with him. 

I catch Liam's eye from across the table, he raises his eyebrow which makes me smile, Liam knows me and Josh are doing something because well he is just Liam, he knows we shouldnt be together but he totally agrees with it.

Once the meeting has finshed we all depart except me, sam , Jenna and Josh, I grab Joshs hand and we run out on the sand.

'' Josh hold my towel up please I need to get into my bikni''

Josh sigh and he holds the towel around me, so no one can see, he looks around before quickly kisses me, I blush even though no one saw except Jenna and Sam, who smile at us. 

''Thanks Josh, now your turn''

I wink at him facing my back toward Jenna and Sam, holding Josh's towel around him and I kiss him like he did with me. As soon as he is changed , I grab his hand letting the towel fall and we run into the sea, as soon as we reach the sea which is beautifuly warm, Johs doesnt let go off my hand as he ducks me under, and I came coughing back up , I splash him loads but it doesn't make uo for him ducking me. We swim closer to each other , he's about to come closer and kiss me when qucikly Sam swims into us.

''Claudia, Claudia is here''

Me and Josh qucikly stop holding hands and Josh looks back at me to say sorry, Sam puts his arm around me and walk me to the part of the beach we have hogged. I lie down next to Sam sighing , he wraps a towel around me, and keeps his arm around me. 

''They have a soft spot for each other''

I hear Claudia saying about me and Sam, I open one eye to see Sam is looking at me with a raised eyebrow , I try and hide my smile.

''No no Sam and Jen are in like a father-Daughter relationship''

Josh says qucikly , Sam winks at me puts his head nearer to me.

''come on you, lets get you to bed your tired''

he winks at me then I smirk at him and he nods at if to know that that is my way of saying yes, he stands up leaving me to drop down on the towel he quickly lowers down to see if im okay but I smile yes it did hurt a bit but not like a broken limb, Sam quickly picks me bridal style resting my head on his arm so it doesn't go limp, I close my eyes pretending im asleep. 

''Im taking Jen back to the room she's tired''

He carries me upstairs and when we reach my room, I unlock the door still in Sam's arms, when the door swings open, he kicks it shut with his leg, He carefully walks over to the couch and places me on there, while walks round, shutting the curtains before sitting down at the table.

''Im texting Josh and Jenna, you and Josh need to talk''

I nod my head and turn back around and pick up the book im reading at the moment Divergent. Just then there was a knock at the door, I don't look up from my book , I let Sam get the door and I heard two voices that sound like Josh and Jenna's. I put my book back down on the coffee table, I get up from the couch and walk towards Josh, I take his hand and we walk into my bedroom, I let him sit down on my bed while I shut the door behind us. I join Josh on the bed, it begins to get very awkward. 

''Josh we need to talk about everything''

Josh places his hand on top of my mine, I qucikly move my hand away before his fingers can curl around mine, he gives me a look and I see a flash of worriedness run in his eyes, I turn away from him trying not to cry.

''Josh...... I think me and You need to be no more I'm so sorry.''

''Why? What has made this come across have you met someone else?''

I sigh and stand up so im standing right in front of him. We need to break up because im having his baby and planning to keep it and he is with Claudia and i don't want her to find out again, I love him so much, it kills me so much to do this but its time to let go.

''No but remember you have a girlfriend which isn't me and we need to end it because im having your child and i don't want to hurt Claudia more than we already''

He stands up so he is facing me, looking me with those beautiful hazel eyes, I have to turn away so he doesn't give me that look to the makes me fall. He doesn't let go of my hands, I just let him hold my hands a bit more for one last time.

''I thought you loved me''

He says shakily about to cry , I can't do this, its breaking my heart , I really do love him.

''I love you so muh im letting you go for a better life without me''

With tears in my eyes look at him and he kisses me which is going to be our last, he lets go of my hands and walks out the room , I hear the door slam, I qucikly race into the kitchen area and Sam and Jenna give me a puzzled look. I sit down on the couch and just burst into tears, I cover my face with my hands , Jena gets me a glass of water and I just cry on Sam.

Jena shows me the text message that shows up on my phone, Im alarmed and scared at what she wants.


Claudia: He broke up with me and then went so I don't know what to do. Should I leave? 

I look at Sam and Jena and Jena snatches the phone off me and begins to write a reply back. 

I don't check what Jena wrote back , I just look them both in the eye and walk out of the room, slamming my bedroom door shut, I put a chair in the way, closing the curtains and curling up under the covers and just cry. 

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