Chapter seven: im sorry:(

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I'm constantly torn between killing myself and killing others around me.
I mean the way Claudia is acting around me it drives insane, I can't even breath without her thinking I'm cheating and I've apologized millions of times, we've slept together too , I've told her I told her that I love her all the time but there's one thing I don't.
I'm in love with Jennifer, I know I shouldn't but finding out that we will be spending the night together I put my best clothes on because she means everything to me.
But her kisses are much more passionate and caring than Claudia's hers are rough and drunk.

I'm in love with Jennifer .S.Lawrence and I don't care what anyone thinks.


We arrive at Katie's and soon as I get out she runs towards me, hugging me tight and pulling me into the house. Laughing I let her drag me. We quickly get into the kitchen and she looks at me excitedly and fangirling, silently jumping up and down making me laugh.

"Jennifer, you&josh will be alone tonight"

I look at her speechless and take the glass she just poured and taking a big gulp and shoving it near the champagne glass for more she tops it up giggling and looks at me.

"Why are we along? You can't leave us together we will probably end up sleeping together"

Katie's takes a massive gulp of her champagne and links mine arm into hers and we walk out of the kitchen and into the hall near the stairs , Katie points in the direction of upstairs, Chris kisses her cheek , she blushes and Josh walks nearer to me and take my hand and kneeling and kisses it. We don't look anywhere else apart from each other eyes, I try not to smile but he can tell that I did from my eyes because his eyes are smiling.

We reach Katie's massive pink bedroom which is disgusting but I don't complain and I sit down on her four poster bed, still holding my cup while Katie picks an outfit, for the evening.

"Me, Liam and Chris are leaving you lot alone for a couple of hours in like an hour because we all know you both like each other but you need to show it and trust me we won't be long so if you do then , you will just slip into some of my pajamas"

I give her a look but she walks over and kisses my cheek and lifts up and outfit and I shake my head which makes her laugh because I've got champagne in my mouth.

"I mean Jen he kissed your hand! A gentleman would do that to a princess"

I scoff at her remark,

"me a princess , him a gentleman gotta be kidding but he is good in bed"

I wink at Katie who chucks a dress on the bed and I nod my head and she smiles, she picks up the dress and goes to the bathroom to out it on.

Once she has out it on, she is ready, she takes my arm and we open the bedroom and start walking downstairs. We reach the door, were the boys are.

"At least he is good in bed eh?"

She looks at me before we see Josh at the door and burst out laughing, we walk I to the room still laughing Josh looks at me and I shake my head laughing.
Liam looks at us strangely and Katie walks over to Chris and they kiss and Katie looks at me,to Liam and then to Josh.

"She said that Josh is good in bed"

Josh blushes looks down but looks up at me, and I'm blushing myself and I sit next to Liam, who gives us a look.

"You two slept together?"

I look and just nod at him and I hear a slap and laughing, I look up at Liam and he is high fiving Josh, I give them a confused look.

"At least one of us is good in bed"

Chris then boos and smiling I go to walk out the room,
I'm nearly at the door but someone grabs my arm and
I twirl right crashing onto their lips, I feel myself kiss them even more, we both do, I'm placing my hand on their face, still keeping my eyes closed but kissing even more.
But we get interrupted and I open my eyes and shocked I see I was making out with Josh, my eyes go wide and quickly race away from Josh not looking back.

"Jen! Jennifer"

I go to go after her but I sit down sighing. God I really really like her. I just place my head in my hands and an arm goes round my back and they pat me.

"Josh , you two will be alright trust me, she really likes you"
I rest my head on Katie's shoulder and I just sigh and she rubs my arm to calm me down I just keep sighing.
I hear a creak and look up and I quickly see a shocked face that looks like Jennifer's. She isn't happy.

And a couple of mins later it's time for everyone else to leave, Katie kisses my cheek, Liam pats my back and Chris shakes my hand.
I sigh as soon as I hear the door shut, me and Jen alone in the house together and we can't even look at each other.
I sigh and sit down on one of the chairs in hall way at the bottom of the big grand stair case leading to all the floors, I hear a creak at the top of the stairs, Jen is stood there with no makeup, and just pajamas on.
I smile a sad and she slowly walks down the stairs I don't do anything, i just watch her, not creepily , I just can't take my eyes off her.

She reaches the bottom of the stairs, I get up and she walks the wall near the kitchen door, I walk closer and she smiles looking down. I can see the tears in her eyes, I don't ever want to make her cry.
I'm now facing towards her, our breaths are slow and long, we are just looking into each other eyes.
I put a piece of hair behind her ear and wipe the tears away from her face as some fall down mine.
I lean in slowly and giving her a look but she doesn't look at me, she has her eyes closed, I lean in and kiss her. It seems so slowly it seems right.
I pull apart and as we are both crying I look into her eyes, with sorrow and rest my forehead in hers, looking it her eyes deeply, she closes them and the tears fall, I kiss her nose and she opens her eyes and smiles.

"I'm sorry"

I whisper so she catches the words with her tongue, she kisses me and takes my hand leading me up stairs smiling a cheeky smile.

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