Chapter thirty seven: Lies

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'Don't believe the lies that the heart never told'

Josh woke up the next morning with the light from the sun streaming through the curtains and 13 missed calls from his solicitor .

He didn't bother to get changed at all that day, he slouched around the house only his thoughts were of Jen. His heart ached for her, he kept drinking more beers until he felt himself pass out in front of the tv on the sofa.


Sighing she got out of the car, as the sun did shine down on her beautiful blonde hair the bags under her eyes seemed to fade and she looked stunning, pushing her beautiful children in the double pushchair over the graveled path which led to Josh's parents house. The pain from not being with Josh had decreased a lot but as she edged closer to the house it came like a ton of bricks and the tears fell very quickly but she was unaware of this.

Leaving the pram on the bottom before walking up the double steps and knocking on the old battered green door, she turned her back after knocking paying attention to her children fast asleep in the pushchair before her. She heard distant mumbling and some loud shuffling turning her body and her eyes were alerted at the sight which she could briefly make out.

He sounded a mess and his pale green dressing gown covered the glass where she was staring and he opened the door. She jumped back a bit in fright but she couldn't help but stare at Josh in front of her. The contrast of them both was incredible, he was still drunk as he couldn't even stay up straight, she got the pushchair raising her eyebrows for Josh to move out of the way which he finally did quite slowly.

As the door shut behind them the house fell awfully quiet but Jennifer kept herself busy by sorting out the twins while Josh stayed in the living room on the sofa feeling sorry for himself.

Once she came back down to find him still lying there doing nothing, she gave him a distant stare before collecting up the mess which was scattered upon the floor into the bin bag which she had just got from the kitchen.


Forcing him to move and change she placed the rubbish in the bin before tidying the rest of the downstairs part of the house before the twins woke up crying. She wasn't able to see them as on the monitor which his parents had plugged in she could hear Josh talking to them; sober and making them giggle which actually made a smile appear on her face.

She began cooking in the kitchen but quickly placed the fires on before fear raced through her body as the smell of burning in the kitchen made her worry, she raced with the packet of matches in her hand to the kitchen which was filled with burnt onions she cursed to herself and annoyingly she placed the onions in the bin and flung the pan loudly into the sink but she picked up her phone and order pizzas.

Staring at the frozen chips in the deep tray she furiously slammed them into the cooker and turning up the heat; sighing to herself she walked into the living room to find Josh sat on the floor in a baby bean bag holding both the twins watching rubbish American tv.

She stood on the doorframe of the room just watching them with awe and smiling to herself at the beautiful sight in front of her.











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