chapter sixteen: I'm here

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I wake up early. I lie there wide awake, today is the day. The day of Claudia's court case, to see if she will go down. I have to crutch in because even to this day it hurts to move. I guess when I had the twins last night, I just didn't pay attention to it because they hurt me too. 

I feel a sweaty palm clasping onto mine. I realise me and Josh held hands all night. I look over at him, he's snoring his head off.  

I lean forward so only my eyelashes are on his cheek and I flutter them shut and open again. Giving him a eshicmo kiss. 

I let go of our sweaty connection between our hands and clamber out of bed, I wake out of our room and slowly trying not to make a noise, I creep down the stairs on my tiptoes into the dark kitchen, turning the light on. 

I pour myself a glass of water, before hearing my mobile go off in my bag, its on one of the chair, I put the glass down on the table and routing through my back till I find the phone and answer it. Its my layer. Eugh at this time.

"Hello Jennifer,how you doing?"

"How do you think I'm doing? I've just given birth to twins and got this court order tomorrow"

I hear a loud sigh on the other side of the phone. I take another sip of my drink.

"Well I'm going to come round at 12 an hour before so we can run through your evidence okay? Ta ra Jen speak soon"

I didn't even get a word in. Nothing at all. That's why I hate him. I get no say.  

Sighing deeply,I place my phone back in my bag, putting the glass in the sink and making my way up stairs, making sure everything is kindly put away. 

I reach our bedroom, I quietly open the door and shutting it behind me before climbing into bed.  

Were in Kentucky. Josh's parents house. Our kids were born in our home state just like us. 

I lie down on Josh's chest, he puts his arm around me. His hot breath tickles my thoart making me smile. 

Morning like this I could get used to.

"Good morning princess"

I hear his calm, husky morning voice, making my ear drums tremble and goosebumps appear, I turn round so our lips are almost touching, I hover over his tip making him smile but a frustraed smile, he loves it when I tease him. But I slowly and softly kiss him gently on the lips, placing my cold hand on his oven hot face.  

He smirks at me, putting his hand on my face, tucking parts of my hair behind my ear, just looking into my eyes, I die everytime he just looks deeply into them. I roll over so I'm on top of him, kissing him but roughly this tim, making him smile.

Suddenly we are intreprutted by a knock at the door, I sigh,kissing Josh,he takes my hand and we walk out onto the landing and I pause at the top of the landing, I turn and look at Josh, who hand signals me to move.

"Smile now Josh"

Josh laughs and squeezes my hand tightly as we edge closer to the door, I place my hand on the door handle, I pause once again but Josh puts his hand quickly on the handle and openes the door. Stood in front of me is my lawyer, he stands there for a couple of seconds, I let go of Josh's hand and quitely walk into the kichen, getting 3 cups and teabags. Boiling the kettle and leaning on the side, when Josh and Nate (my lawyer) walks into the kitchen, Josh's eyes go wide and I try not to laugh. Nate raises his eyebrows.

"So do who do the twins looks like more you or Josh"

He turns to me, both boys are staring at me. I walk slowly towards the door and shutting it. My parents don't know I was having twins but Josh's parents didn't know I gave birth to them.

I pour the water onto the cold teabags and it splashes me. Josh quickly rushes over and dabbing a cold, wet flannal on the burn, that hit my colarbone. I wince at the pain, but Joshkisses me. And goes to stand with Nate.  

Once pouring the teas, I turn round a bit embarssed, handing the boys their teas and I sit down on a chair, they follow me and Nate gets out his folder for today.

"So Jen, Josh this is the aragnment for today. So you going to see the twins at 2? After the court case?"

Breathing in and out deeply, and nod my head, I didn't want that to happen but I can't argue with my lawyer, I mean he is on my side after all, I don't want to turn him against me. Now do I?. I really need to get ready. For fuck sake. 

''Nate, fuck off now will you? I need to change. Don't worry Me&Josh will be there on time.''

Sighing, I walk away from the kitchen leaving the door open, carrying my hot tea upstairs. Nate doesn't really care that I have just given birth only a day ago. He just wants to do this so he might get a fucking promotion, but to be honest I just don' t give a fuck, I just want that fucking whore to go down. She tried to kill a 3 months pregant woman because her fucking ex i.e my boyfriend had fucking sex with me and landed me pregant. Which is a stupid reason. And im glad she shot me because that day I went a bit mental. And it made me realise how much, I love Josh, how much I need him more than ever, I look up at the ceiling smiling. So thank you Claudia.

I put my head back down and slowly walk up the stairs, opening the door backwards with my back and letting the door slam loudly, the windows rattle and I smile. Putting my cuppa on the side, walking towards my wardrobe and picking out a slim cut black dress, I put it against my body and shake my head. Nah won't fit. I stop my favorite black trousers and a maternity white blouse. Smirking I let my dressing gown drop and get ready to go. 

By the time Josh enters the room, Im all done and rearing to go. I walk towards him smiling,he is in his navy blue dressing gown, I cup my hands around his cheek bones, closing my eyes and slowly kissing him.Once Ive pulled apart, I rest my forehead against his and I just stare into his beautiful golden hazel eyes, they glint in the sunlight that is peeping through the gap in the curtains. I kiss him again one more time not wanting to stop but i eventerually do and I walk backwards not letting go of his gaze, flinging open the curtains and chucking him an outfit.

''Come on you. We have a court case to attend''

Josh scoffs and takes the oufit out of the room. By the time Josh is ready, its half 12. He meets me on the landing outside the bathroom, he drops his dressing gown and pjs that are drapped over his arm, I take is hand in mine and we walk down the stairs. 

 Nate is stood outside the building of the court, smoking as we finally arrive, he's smoking, I tut in horror. He quickly stamps it out as soon as he sees me. Josh pulls up just outside the entrance, I take a big breath in and slowly exhale. I turn to Josh who has hold of my hand more tightly, I kiss him quickly but slowly.

''I'll park the car, you need to go in''

Before I leave, I kiss him once more.

'' I love you''

''I love you more''

I slam the door shut, Nate drags me off away from Josh before I could blow him a kiss. God if only Nate knew how scared I was. This court case has my whole life on the line, so if one thing slips then so do I. I can't lose Josh or the twins. 

Nate pushes me inside the court so I have no choice but to see Claudia, who's eyes are burning into me. I gulp but give her a cold smile. And Nate walks me towards the back of the court. I take my seat, half way through Josh slops down next to me. Gripping my hands over his and holding them. We sit their listening to Claudia say her side of the story. 

Its my turn to give evidence. I stand uo and make my way to the stand,two body guards walk me to the stand. I turn to face Josh who just winks at me. Its his way of saying good luck. 

I look straight at the judge. I don't look any where but into her eyes as she reads out everything. I mainly block everything out. Its like ive gone done deaf. My vision starts to go as well, but I still don't turn away from her eyes. I feel my feet give way. And all I think about is, I need to give my story, I try to get up but loads of people are holding me down. I feel my head whack against the wooden floor, as I feel myself getting knocked out, i hear a scream. Once again I hear Josh's scream. Im gonna have a fit. Then Im out. Just like that.

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