Chapter Five: Fan Mail.

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The way she walked into set, the way she acted like one of those girls who have all the boys drooling over her because she is so prefect that even someone like her could get away with it. She my be my best friend but by god she kisses the best, better than Claudia.

All day on set she acted as though we had just met. So I did the same, two can play that game, we hadent kissed since Katie came over to her flat. So when we have to kiss in the movie it feels like the first time we kissed, and I know she enjoyed it but she pretended not to notice that we both felt something. When we go back to our dressing rooms , I have a load of fan mail waiting for me. I get changed into some more comfty and I start reading the fan mail. Just then I hear a slient soft knock and I put the fan mail down back on the makeup chair and walk towards the door , I wait for a mintue and I hear another slient knock. I slowly open the door and stood there is Jennifer.
Less than a couple of seconds we don't talk until Jennifer moves to one of the couches at the back of the room , I follow and sit down next to her. I make sure the door is locked and again sitting down she turns to me and hands me a letter. It's from a fan, the points to me which bits to read.
In the end I end up reading all of it.

"Dear Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson,
My name is Abby and for a while now as you two are my idols I just wanted to ask you a few questions because your twos love life is very confusing. But I'm from the UK England, so I you can't meet me which I sad, but living here in the UK means that I don't always get to know what's going in your life's, if you are well or not. But I'm well if you wondering but anyway the questions:
1. If you could live anywhere where would you live and why?
2. If Nick left you then he didn't really love you did he? But your better without him *cough* *cough* Josh,
3. Jennifer would you date Josh if he was single? Or Josh would you date Jennifer? You'd make an adoreable couple #joshifer

Stay safe and be happy and hope your okay.
Please reply lots of love Abby
Sorry about the Nick thing if it upset you then I'm sorry :(
*picture of Abby*

I hand Jennifer back the letter and we just look at the letter for a couple of minutes Jennifer is probably thinking about how to reply back to the letter.


I turn to face her and she looks at me puzzled,

We are both looking into each other's eyes now, like we did the first time we kissed but this time we are sober.

"I'm sorry"

She stands up and goes to walk out of the room, but just before she can open the door, I grab her arm and twirl her back so her lips touch my mine and we kiss, the excitement tingles off onto our legs and making us get butterflies, and smile.
But once I stop kissing her, she rushes off in a hurry, leaving the letter behind. Damn I'll have to text her.

Josh: you've forgotten the letter xx
Jennifer: okay you can give to me when we leave xx
Josh: okay see you themxxx
Jennifer: see you xx

When I kissed her, she just raced off without saying anything. Claudia told her to stay away, but how can I when someone like Jennifer is so hard to stay away from? She's like an infectious disease , I can't keep away from her. And she can't keep away from me. No matter how we try, it's like fate. She's only supposed to be my friend, but I'm going to try and stay away only in the movie then we will keep our distance. I can't stop thinking about that letter, if Jennifer would date me, because I would date her, but I can't so for now until our feelings go we should just stay friends.

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