I flung a cushion at Paresh as I got up to leave. Shishir was just smiling and not giving any explanation.

My eyes fell on the centre table in front of us and my heart froze. I fell back on the couch and reached out, hands trembling at the magazine lying on it.

"Suvi?" I felt Shishir's arms engulf me.

Shishir's POV.

I saw her expression change to that of sheer shock. I gathered her in my arms and saw she was stiff with the aftermath of whatever had shocked her.

"Suvi?" I called out to her, Paresh had also immediately sprung up and was standing next to her.

She moved her eyes to me and pointed at the magazine. I looked at it and was thoroughly confused. What is she trying to show? There is no photograph on the magazine cover.

She pointed once again and said. "On – his- that man's T shirt-" she said pointing at the symbol on one corner of the cover page. She looked at me, her eyes sad.

I put my hand on her cheek "Are you sure? Not something similar but this?" I probed gently.

She nodded "Positive."

"Okay. We will figure this out. You go and get ready. All right?" She took a deep breath before nodding and getting up. She gave me a feeble smile and walked towards the room she was staying in.

I watched her as she closed the door behind her before slumping back on the couch.

"This symbol-?" Paresh  stated in a knowing voice.

I nodded. "Yes. The emblem of my alumni- My law college."

"If someone was trying to pretend to be you or that you are involved then this makes perfect sense. Other than that button and your passport they must have stolen a T-shirt of yours too."

"No, none of mine got stolen. I wold have known over the three years if it was. I wear them at least three to four times a year, during various get together and reunions." I said looking at him seriously.

"These T shirts are a matter of pride and no student, old or new would ever want to part with them."

Paresh's eyes widened as he realised what I was thinking. "This could mean, someone who is from your college or someone close to him is involved."

"Yes. It does look like that. But who? And again why?" I said looking at him. "Moreover how will anyone in London know Suvi? Or how is connected to me?"

Paresh whistled softly. "This is getting more and more confusing day by day."

"I am going to get to the bottom of this no matter what." I said determinedly.

I got up " I need your help to fix some things for our date."

He nodded as we went towards my room.


"Where are we going?" Suvi asked as we entered the elevator.

"Down." I told her with a shrug.

She hit me playfully on my arm. Don't act smart. Of course we are going down. But where are you taking me?"

"Nowhere, really." I said smiling. I was relieved to see she was not looking upset any more. She is really a very strong person and does not let her worries or fear reflect easily.

"Fine, then I will go back upstairs. " Suvi said moodily.

I laughed at her expression as I pulled her out with me when the elevator doors opened. She looked around at the cars as we stepped out. This elevator opened directly inside the garage of apartment block.

I lead her by the hand to the extreme side of the garage and she soon realised what I was upto.

"A cycle ride?" she asked sounding happy.

"You like it?" I asked feeling delighted with her happiness.

"Just like old times!" she beamed at me making my heart skip a beat.

As we approached the one I owned I felt slightly nervous. Paresh had already wheeled it out and kept it ready while I had escorted Suvi down.



"One cycle?" I asked apprehensively.

She looked t me for a few seconds before nodding.

"Just like old times." She repeated softly as a gentle smile graced her lips.

I got up on the seat and she sat herself on the front rod. We had rode cycles like this scores of time in our childhood years. But this was different. This was my first ride with my girlfriend for our first date.

Now we were not going to just relive our childhood memories, but also were going to make many memories together.

"So, Miss. Suvarna Sharma. Are you ready to go on our first date of a cycle ride and gorging on street side food of London?"

"Really? You will have street side food?" I could hear the surprise in her voice.

"There's always a first time." I said.

With her I was ready to try anything.


That is the beginning of their first 'date.' More in the next chapter!

So Someone from London is involved. Shishir will really need to figure this out and get the wrong doer punished.

Hope this chapter made a good read.

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Love from me to you.:)

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