Darkness surrounded me like a thick blanket.

I couldn't tell left from right nor up from down.

Though, I could feel an emotion. I could tell I was scared, my deep breathing echoed around the darkness; making me feel enclosed and trapped like a small caged animal. I opened my mouth to scream for help but no sound escaped me.

''This is going to be your life from now on.'' A hoarse voice whispered, the sentence flashing through the darkness like a bright red beacon. Demented laughs tore through the darkness, piercing my eardrums as I continued to try and scream but my voice was drowned out and I was silent.

My eyes flew open and I quickly sat up in bed, catching my breath before grimacing as an all to familiar feel in my stomach started up and I made a mad dash into the nearest bathroom, stumbling right in front of the white porcelain toilet and released the foul bile that burned my throat and brought hot salty tears to my already glistening eyes.

I blinked rapidly, listening to the demented voice from my nightmare linger in the front of my mind until I had to retch once again, leaving the nightmare forgotten and pushed further back.

''Terrance, are you okay?'' Carmen asked, truly concerned as she entered the bathroom half asleep. I stole her a quick glance before spitting into the toilet bowl and shook my head. ''You know, I read online that stressing can cause morning sickness.''

''So, I've been informed.'' I mumbled, resting my cheek on the seat and peered up at Carmen. ''I should probably call Araki and ask her if I can get an earlier appointment. Can you please grab me my phone?''

''Yeah, of course.'' Carmen gave a quick nod of her head before departing the bathroom, shouting for Ryder to get his lazy ass up on her way. I gave a faint smile at that, closing my eyes before Carmen re-appeared holding my cellular device out to me which I took with a heavy sigh.

I watched the screen light up, my background image pulling at my heartstrings from sight of Cloud and I so happy together but that isn't all that caught my eye. I had 89 missed calls from assorted contacts. I frowned, pulling up the call history and noticed a majority of them were from Winnow and Lucas. A few from Araki, a handful from my mom and a single one from Cloud himself.

I scrambled to my feet, casting a dizzy spell upon myself as I rose which instantly made Carmen leap forward and steady me. I brushed her hands off, quickly re-dialing Cloud's number and holding my phone up to my ear and listened to the rings before his voice mail greeted me on the other side.

''It's Cloud, you know what to do.'' Bleep. I quickly hung up, not bothering to leave a message because I didn't know what I could possibly say.

''Terrance, who did you just phone?'' Carmen asked, snatching my phone from my hand as my arms fell limply at my sides. Her hazel eyes scanned over my phone and a deep frown worked onto her lips before she pressed a button. ''I'm gonna call Araki for you, okay? Then we'll all head over, does that sound fine?''

I gave a stiff nod. ''Yeah...''

Coward. I scolded myself, flushing the toilet while Carmen spoke quietly into the phone, every few seconds her eyes would peer over at me like I was some toddler that needed supervision at all times and that sorta irked me but I didn't bothering making a comment because I knew I'd regret speaking my mind later on.

''...in an hour would be just fine.'' Carmen agreed, nodding her head like a confirmation before murmuring a goodbye and hung up, slipping the phone into my pant pocket. ''Araki said she could see you in an hour, we'll head over to the hospital after a good and nutritious breakfast. Speaking of which, I read you should also be taking vitamins.''

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy (BoyxBoy) (MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now