"In fact, initially I had thought about a crocodile or spider, you know unique-"

"Stop!" I barked out, suddenly feeling queasy in the stomach.

"I am going home. I don't feel so well right now." I said as I walked out.

"Yeah right. Innovative cake designing is not your cup of tea." Her voice rang out from behind.

That brought back memories of the tea flavoured Ice cream she had made me eat years back. The memory of the taste still gives me nightmares. To think I had taken a bite thinking it was chocolate ice cream.

She always has been this eccentric with her experiments in cooking!

I decided to visit my father's office as I stepped out of the Tiwari residence.


"He is not in." The receptionist told me as I entered the office. I smiled. It felt good to be recognised even though I had come here after so many years.

"It's Okay. I will wait for him." I said.

I took the opportunity to walk around the premises. It was a mixed feeling. Nostalgia of memories of happy childhood years when I visited with my mother, and also the sad reminder, our family was no longer the happy family it used to be.

I pushed those thoughts away and looked around. Many old faces were there along with quite a few new ones. I felt a familiar feeling of pride towards my father, a very successful lawyer.

After about half an hour I decided to check if he was back.

"Papa? Are you back?" I asked as I walked inside his room in office. He was not in. I looked around the room. It was still the same. I smiled as my eyes fell on his awards and certificates cabinet.

This was his prized possession and he did not let anyone touch it. Other than me his son of course I thought with a smile, as I proudly looked at all the appreciations and awards my father had received over the years.

As I lifted one, a package behind it caught my eye. I picked it up and saw it was a bundle of old looking envelopes. I reached out to place it back, wondering why had my father kept these here? Suddenly the handwriting caught my eyes. I read it and realised it was Sumo's handwriting. The envelope had my name and my old address. Sumo had written to me? My heart racing, I looked at other similar bundles kept there.

I stepped back stunned. There were scores of letters from Suvi to me. She had written to me, constantly. Why did I never get them?

In a daze I moved away the trophies and certificates as I collected the letters. Each and every one of them.

I spotted a bag near the file cabinet and did not hesitate to empty it's contents. I filled it with the letters and stepped out.

"Sir, I was just coming to tell you, your father called to say he will not be coming back to office today. He said he will meet you at home later."

I barely managed to acknowledge with a nod before rushing out.

I don't really remember this trip to home.

As soon as I reached my room I emptied the contents of the bag on my bed.

I fingered the bundles softly, trying to capture the feeling buried in them. I closed my eyes as I remembered how angry and hurt I had been over the years at her lack of interest in keeping our friendship alive. How wrong I had been!

I opened my eyes and looked at the bundles. The envelopes were proof enough, someone had been reposting them to my father's office, over the years.

But why?

I smiled sadly as I saw the ink colours. Red, green, yellow- Suddenly I sat upright and arranged the various bundles as a thought occurred to me.

Yes. The colours of rainbow! I felt my throat clog at this sight in front of me. Seven years of the colours of rainbow, one for each year. Then, it was all gloomy black ink.

Her hurt seemed to each out to me from the black colour. She was hurt at my lack of response, but she never gave up on me.

Pain seared through my heart as I remembered my unfounded anger towards her over the years.

I gazed at the letters, my precious treasure of life. I am almost scared to open them. a lifetime of memories and I was deprived of it!


Shishir is in pain. Immense pain and hurt. He needs to know why this was done ! Or he will keep suffering.

By the way, cake anyone? Suvi is one of her kind! LOL.

And yes Suvi is also studying to be a lawyer. A lot of you have asked me about my choice of the book title. Hope this makes more sense now. There will be not one but two lawyers in the kitchen. :)

Yes this was a surprise and a sort of twist of course.*winks*

Would love to see Suvi assisting Shishir sometime in future, what say?

Do try out my other on going works guys. You may like them too.

1 Love, Anticlockwise.

2 Dancing Dolphin on the blue grass.

3 Castaway –Marooned with a billionaire.

4. Flip side of the coin.

Please vote and comment dears. It will make me so happy.:)

Love, from me to you.:)

Pre cap Chapter 10.

Suvarna's POV

I jumped out of my skin, startled as I heard a loud crack on my window pane. What the hell is that?

Then it sounded again, as though someone was hitting it from outside.

Shishir! No it can't be him. I thought as I stared at the closed window. That was our childhood when we did these crazy things.

"Suvi." I heard the soft, muffled but unmistakable voice.

I gasped and rushed to open the window.

"Have you lost your mind? If someone would have seen you?" I hissed at him, in a whisper.

But one look at his blood shot eyes any further words that might have left my mouth dried out.

I helped him in and my nose twitched at the odour from him. "Shishir, have you been drinking?" I asked in shock.

He did not reply but pulled me in a hug. "I am sorry Suvi. So so sorry."

Somehow I felt he was not apologising for drinking.

"You know I had also written you letters, but angry ones." My head snapped towards him. "Just never posted them." He said ever so softly and fell heavily on my bed.

I stared at his form, his sleeping form. Too stunned to react right now.


Till the next chapter guys, buh buy.

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