"I got grounded either way for fighting."

He's totally crazy. My eyes widen, leaning in, "Wait, did you just say there are girls who likes psychopaths?" I ask, jumping back to our earlier conversation.

Cade nods, "Yeah, like Amy, Lily, Daphne, Velma..."

"Are you starting to name Scooby-Doo characters now?" I smirk.

"No, Daphne and Velma are actually people at this school."

"Oh really? I guess we're missing a Shaggy, Fred and Scooby," I laugh at my own joke. I notice Cade isn't laughing. My laughter starts to die down into an embarrassed one, "Bad joke? Okay," I say, looking away.

Cade chuckles, patting my head. I slap his hand away from my head, "Going back to the topic. Those girls actually like psychopaths?" I ask, my mouth slightly apart.

"Yeah, they want to date me." Cade winks. I notice the close proximity but pretend I didn't. So, Cade admits that he's a psychopath.

I laugh, "Oh, so their loose in their heads. I get it," I nod acting as though I understand. I remember when he said to me that he almost always lies. Do those girls who wants to date him also a lie? I can't tell when he's lying anymore.

"No," Cade frowns. Before he could say anything else, a voice echoes in the hallway.

"Kaia!" I hear a loud, angry yell. I turn my head to the source of the sound to see a very angry Kieran standing all the way on the other side of the hallway. He's a good twenty feet away from me. He's wearing his uniform loosely, missing a few buttons of his shirt, and wearing a brown beanie covering his hair. "What did you do to my hair?" He growls. Kieran pulls off his beanie to reveal his perfectly new hairstyle.

I immediately break into fits of laughter, not able to hold it in. Cade body tenses beside me but I continued to laugh, not worried at all that Kieran is going to kill me soon. "I think it looks great!" I tell him, in between laughter.

"It's pink!" He screams

I laugh even louder. "It's a good colour on you, it really brings out the colour of your eye," I laugh.

"I'm going to kill you!" He starts bolting towards me.

My laughter dies away immediately, "Oh crap, I'll talk to you later," I say to Cade before running away as fast as I can. I can't let Kieran get to me.

"Let go of me," I hear Kieran yell. I look back to see Cade holding Kieran back.

"Kaia, run faster!" Cade calls out.

I mentally say 'okay', before taking a turn. Cade wouldn't be able to hold Kieran for long. I take as many turns as I possibly can. Finally, I find the stairs and I run up hoping that Kieran would not be able to sniff me out. I run all the way to the top and run down the hallway.

I earn a few stares but I ignore them. Kieran is seriously going to kill me and today may be my last day on this earth. I find the stairs to the rooftop and without a second thought, I open the door and run up the stairs. I push open the rooftop door, closing and locking it behind me. I lean against the door, finally able to breathe again.

After catching up with my breath, I lean off the door and head to the edge of the rooftop. I take a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air. Well, not really fresh air, more like polluted air but this is as fresh as it's going to get. I tilt my head side to side, relaxing my muscles. Kieran will find me soon, and I need to prepare to run again. Luckily, I will have an advantage as Kieran will be running around all over the place trying to look for me.

I hope he isn't smart enough to ask around if anyone saw me run around like a maniac. Kieran is too angry to encounter people; I doubt he would. I can't believe he actually came to school and just showed everyone his pink hair. I turn around to lean my back against the paved railings. I look around the rooftop and I spot that same guy I met earlier. The one who was harassing Tommy.

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