[Chapter Eight] Liam

Start from the beginning

"Don't you dare ignore me Liam Taylor Johnston! You pick your head up, look me in the eyes, and tell me why you just said something your mama would be ashamed of." Ouch. I may be an adult now, but I never want my mother to be disappointed or ashamed of me. It's not fair to her. She raised me right and I just did her and Addie wrong.

I say up and looked into her eyes and I could see that she was angry, but it was more than that, worse than that. She was disappointed in me, and she had every right to be.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I don't know why I said it."

"You think that's a good enough explanation?" she scoffed and I shook my head.

"No. There is no excuse for what I said. I didn't mean any of it and I feel horrible for saying it. I was angry at how she was treating you and I let my anger get the best of me. I am truly sorry for what I said, but I know that it's not enough." I could only look into her disappointed face for so long before I turned my head away from her.

She sighed and sat next to me. She sat there for a good few minutes, and I still couldn't look her in the eye. I went back to my hands folded between my legs and my head down.

"There is no excuse, but I guess you can't be perfect all the time. I'm not saying I'm okay with what you said. It was out of line and rude and just plain mean, but what I'm focused on now is how you're going to fix it."

"I don't know Auntie, but I'm sure as hell gonna try. I know I screwed up her trust, the very little I had of hers. And I feel horrible about what I said, but I feel worse that she believes it. She doesn't think her parents love her." I said sadly.

"Oh honey, that's one thing that she can believe. Sad as it is, my brother and that woman don't have a loving bone in their body except for money and power, especially for their daughter. Why do you think she's here? They don't want to deal with her trauma. They don't want to raise her. They don't want to support her. they want her to go away so they can live their perfect little life."

As she spoke I turned my head to look at her. I couldn't believe that they were that horrible of parents. I just don't know how parents can just not love their child. I had more than enough from mine.

"So you guys aren't over reacting? They really are that bad?" she sighed again and looked sad before nodding her head.

"They really are that bad. Poor girl, I can't even imagine how it was for her growing up. I don't know what happened to him, but he's been heartless since the day he was born. He hated our parents and me, and got out as soon as he could."

"So this is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought?" I asked, but I knew the answer already.

"Yes sweetie, and I hope that you can just fix things with her, I hate to see her like this. You're a good young man, and I know that if she could let anyone help her, it would be you." she patted my leg and went into the kitchen to make what I assumed was lunch, anything to busy herself at the moment.

I sat there thinking of what I could say or do to fix it all. To take it back, but I knew already that there was nothing. I had to give her time and hopefully she would let me near her again.

I sat there for about a half hour before I decided that I couldn't just sit here. What I was about to do would either make things better or worse, and I wasn't sure which. But If I could just tell her I was sorry, maybe she could at least have something to think about other than what I said. To me it was worth a try. She needed to know that none of this was her fault and she was a good person. That people cared about her.

I looked up at where her room would be for a minute trying to think of just what to say, but it wouldn't come to me and what I did come up with felt fake. A real apology shouldn't be planned.

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