5.5 What He Does When You Have An Off Day

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Running a hand through his blonde hair stressed, Connor looked at his tears eyed girlfriend. He wasn't at all shocked by the sudden outburst of tears Y/N was in.

"Baby please..." He mumble sinking to his knees in front of the young girl. Her crying was breaking him inside. She had been through so much and just recently she had be told she had depression.

"I can't I just can't.." She mumbled as Connor sighed and pulled her into his lap. "I can't this is all to much for me and I just can't. Your fans they don't like me.." She mumbled as everything came crashing down around them.

"Hey hey, that's not true Y/N. You know very well they all love you. I know this isn't how you imagined our trip to be, but that's okay." He assured her as she sighed and looked at him with watery eyes.


"But nothing, we'll make it through this tough time. I'm not letting you go.."


"WHY ARE YOU EVEN WITH ME RILEY?!" She shouted as her boyfriend sat at the fancy dinning table the hotel provided.

"Y/N-" He started to say only to be cut off by his angered girlfriend.

"I'm so messed up Riley, you could have any other girl yet you picked me. Can't you see that my depression will only slow you down?" She finally broke looking at her boyfriend.

"Hey stop that right now! Your not messed up babe. You're going through something tough, just because they label you as something doesn't me you can't fight it." He stated pulling her onto his lap.

"Do you really think we can?"

"What fight through this?"

"Yeah, I-"

"You nothing, we are going to fight through this and you'll see."


"I hate you! I hate this!" Y/N shouted as Toby looked at her with an amused expression.

She was in one of those modes again, Y/N depression seemed to have worsen. Toby knew he shouldn't be laughing right now but it was kinda amusing.

"Why are you laughing?!" She asked as he sighed and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Babe, I know you though you were getting better but things just got worse. You need to have a little faith. Things aren't just gonna get better on a snap of a finger.." He mumbled.

"But I just want to get better Toby! I don't want to be depressed and sad all the time!" She cried as Toby kissed her forehead.

"I know that baby girl, but you need understand that going around saying you hate everything and everyone won't really make it better.."

"How do I make it better..."

"That's something we both need to work on.." He smiled softly causing her to smile softly.

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