1.3 He Gets Jealous But Ya'll Aren't Together

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You and Connor have been playing that little game everyone dose when two people like each other. You want him to confess his feelings that you know he has, he wants you to give him the time of day.

You, Connor, his brothers and a couple of really close friends are all going out to the local fair that has just arrived not to long ago. Smiling, you ran over to your best friends arms. He was truly like an older brother to you, seeing he was about a year and a half older.

Without meaning to, you guys wondered off from the group and embarked in your own adventures, leaving a stressed and angry Connor behind.

"What as that!" He shouted as you came you walked over to him with a bag of candy floss. Looking at him confused.

"What was what?" You asked him before eating another handful of candy. Looking at you in shook he looked back your friend who was now talking to Toby and Riley.

"You were basically all over the guy!" He stated as his neck vein was popping out as you looked up at him in awe.

"Connor he's my best friend.." You whispered and he sighed and pulled you into his body. 

"I'm sorry, it's just I really really like you Y/N and I can't stand the fact of a another guy ever touching the way I want to touch you." He stated as you giggled and let the bad of candy drop as you wrapped your arms around his neck placing a sweet kiss on to his lips.

"Good because I like you too." You stated after you pulled away as he laughed and pulled you back in.


Riley's your best friend, you can talk to him about anything really. But recently he's been acting strange around you. The guys always joke that it's because he has secret feelings.

"You can't be serious!" You yelled at Riley as he looked at you like you grew three extra pair of heads.

"I can't be serious! You can't be serious!" He shouted back as the two of you were going neck to neck over something that shouldn't even be a big deal.

"Why do you even care!"

"Because I care about you!" He said softly running a hand through his hair as you sighed and looking up.

"Riley, just- it doesn't matter." You stated as you bite your lip in order to get him to let it go.

"What do you mean it doesn't matter Y/N!" He sighed as you looked back at him giving in.

"If I won't go.." You mumbled taken your phone out and getting ready to cancel your date.

"Look the reason why I don't want you to go is because I like you. As in I like you more than the way a friend should. I've liked you for a while now but my feelings are stronger and I guess I'm just jealous at the fact that he's going on a date with you.." He sighed as you looked back at Riley in awe.

"How about instead of me going on a date with him, I go on a date with you.." You blushed lightly. Truth was you've always liked Riley as well but you've always thought he never liked you back.

"That sounds perfect.."


You and your friends were all seated at a table talking about the new kid at school. He was cute, all the girls were flaunting over him and you weren't any different.

"What are we talking about?" Riley asked as he and his brothers walked into your room.

"Just about the new kid." Your friend Becca stated as you smiled thinking about his looks.

"What new kid?" Toby asked as he sat besides you. Truth was since Toby was now homeschooled he didn't always now who you guys were talking about.

"This super cute kid that just moved here.." You giggled as Connor laughed at the look that appeared on Toby's face.

"You okay there Toby?" He teased as Toby gave him a glare.

"Who is he anyways?" Riley ask.

"His name is Mike. He just moved here for New York." You stated as Toby turned green with envy.

Toby new how much you loved New York, just knowing that this kid lived there shook something inside him. He wanted nothing more than to show up at school and just kiss you in front of him.

"Do you have a crush on him?" Riley teased pinching your cheeks as Toby finally lost it. He had it with the talk and wanted to change the subject.

"Anyways how was your day?" He asked as you looked at him confused, as to why he suddenly changed the subject.

"Why the sudden change in topics?" Becca asked as you looked back at Toby waiting for his answers.

"Because I don't want to hear about Y/N talking about some guy that she just meet. Can't you see that I have been trying to get you to notice the fact that I've been crushing on you for months on end?" He stated as you looked at Toby shocked like everyone else in the room.

Quickly one by one they all left the room just in time for your lips to crash onto his.

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