0.6 PDA

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He was all for letting people know that you were his. You thought it was cute that Connor wanted everyone to know that you were his and nobody else's.

Whenever you were both out in public, his arms would always being around you. Whenever you would wonder a bit to far, he would follow you and pull you into him.

If it wasn't that, he was always kissing you. Short kisses. Long kisses. Passionate kisses. Slow kisses. You name the type of kiss, he would gave you. All in all Connor just loved being around you at all times.


Riley wasn't big on PDA, than again you weren't either. Even though you both were big on it, that didn't mean you both didn't do.

Riley always made sure your hands where intertwined. Sweet pecks were pressed to your cheeks. You couldn't help but blush, whenever he have you these sweet gestures.

Once in a while, he would press a sweet to your lips. It's wouldn't last longer neither would it become a make out session but it was sweet. It was something that you both enjoyed.


Even though he was a shy one, when it came to PDA with you he wasn't shy at all. You couldn't help but be a bit taken back the first time he pulled you into a heated kiss in public.

Toby loved to have you by his side. Even when there were tons of people around. His kisses were always heated. It always made you crave more of the once shy boy.

You weren't sure what it was about PDA. It seemed to spark something inside the young sixteen year old. PDA was something that you became more and more comfortable with. Toby just seemed to love having some part of him touch you all the time, not that you were going complain.

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