3.7 Geromino

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'I can see you,through the curtains of the waterfall.'

You smiled as you looked up at Connor who was onto of the cliff. You smiled as he leaped forwards creating a hug splash making the water from the waterfall splatter onto you face.

You let out a huge smile as he stood behind the waterfall reminding you of the lyrics of that one some your best friend had shown you the other day. Everything about this moment was perfect, it kinda seemed unreal even.

"You know I can still see you blush through the waterfall right?" He laughed as you rolled your eyes and swam over to him.


'Can you feel my love? Bombs away,bombs away,bombs away.'

You couldn't help but giggle as Riley placed his head on you neck tickling you slightly. He pulled his head away as he looked down at you with a huge glint in his eyes. You loved this about him. The amount of love this boy had for you scared you.

You, yourself was head over heels for him, everything about him drove you crazy really and it wasn't going to be going anywhere really and you weren't going to be changing you feelings for him either.

When ever he told you he loved you it was like tons of bombs were exploding in your stomach and you wouldn't have it any other way really.


'Well we rushed it,moving away to fast'

You and Toby hadn't known each other long before a romance started to blossom between the two of you. It was clear to say that all your friends were saying you guys were rushing too fast into things.

It wasn't long before you both were dating, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Everything about him was perfect and it was great to know that he cared about you just as much as you cared about him. So what if you guys were moving a bit to fast.

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