2.8 He Finds Out You self harm

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Connor, I think would feel like his world was crushed if he ever found out that his girlfriend self harmed. I feel like he would be that person that would never leave her alone for to long, just to make sure she never does it again. Of course he won't me for it to be offensive, it's just that he cares so much he never wants to his his little princess in pain ever again.

Riley, I think would try to blame himself if she was cutting while dating him. He'll be deeply impacted. I feel he'll be that boyfriend that would never leave your side if he finds out. I think he'll want to know why you do it and help you overcome what ever it was. He'll be there to support you and be your shoulder to cry on while your trying your best to stop.

Toby, would most likely be at a lost of words. I think he wouldn't understand why someone so beautiful would do something that can do lots of damage to themselves. I think he would you with lost of love. He'll want you to make a promise to him. He'll want you to promise that you won't ever cut again, and instead of cutting to come to him and talk to him about it.

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