2.6 Hears You Sing For The First Time

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The first time Connor heard you sing was when you were cooking. You were  making some cookies and cupcakes with his cousin. You both has afford to babysit the little one. He thought it was adorable how into the song you were. You and his cousin even used wooden spoons as mics. But most of all he was rather surprised at the fact that you were actually better than he thought at singing.


You and Riley had been dating for a while now and one day you had invited him to your church. You had been with him to his church before so this was nothing new. It just so happened that the day he had gone was the day that you were seeing during the offering. Riley was amazed at how well you could actually sing. Once the service was over that was all he could talk about. You giggled ever time he would complement you and give you a sweet kiss on the cheek.


You were in the car. You aren't one to really jam in the car like most people, but the moment you heard the beat to 'MMM Yeah' by Austin Mahone you knew you had too. Toby couldn't stop laughing at you. At one point you both started to scream out the lyrics and dance. He shook his head and smiled at you. He never thought that you would actually sound the way you did.

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