Yamaguchi Tadashi || Good Guys Finish Last

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i haven't written anything about this precious crow lately so here's so angst

Good guys finish last. That's what happens in all the dramas and T.V shows, right?  

Yamaguchi wasn't the kind of person to abandon someone in pain, no matter who they were. So when (y/n) was dumped by her boyfriend, (b/n), he was the first one there for her. 

He was madly in love with the girl and when she came to him shaken and depressed, he made sure to treat her like a princess. He'd bring her flowers and sweets, take her on dates, anything. 

It was one day after practice when he saw (y/n) she was talking to someone. As he approached her, his smile faded. "(y/n)?" 

The girl turned around, smiling. "Tadashi! I have good news! (b/n) asked me out!" He felt his heart break, as he gave a fake smile.

"T-That's great!" (y/n) thanked him before leaving the school with (b/n). 

Yamaguchi felt his knees go weak, tears pouring from his eyes. Tsukishima walked up behind him, helping him up. 

"I guess good guys really do finish last..."

i honestly feel so bad for breaking Yams heart but maybe we'll give him a happy ending

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