Shibayama Yuki || Need You Now

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Female pronouns used (she/her)

Italics is flashbacks




    Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor

Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore 

(First name) sat in her room, pictures of 2 years of memories spread around on her (favorite color) blanket. One, in particular, popped out at the female. It was a picture of her beloved boyfriend-- well ex now-- Yuki. The picture was them at the amusement park on their first date.

"Where is that boy?" (First name) watched the crowd of strangers, hoping to find the black-haired male who asked her to come here in the first place. She sighed, closing her eyes. A hand on her shoulder startled her, causing her to scream. A hand covered her mouth. When she opened her eyes, a familiar boy appeared in front of her with a sheepish smile. 

"Ah... Sorry, I'm late." 

She smiled while picking up the picture. (First name) grabbed her phone, her hands shaking. 

"Should I really call?"

And I wonder if I ever cross your mind?

For me it happens all the time 

Yuki looked his phone, a certain girl set as his background. A pat on the shoulder made the boy turn to see who it was. "You ok?" Inuoka stood behind him, a worried look on his usually happy face. The black-haired boy smiled. 

"I'm doing fine." Inuoka wasn't convinced. It had been days since Yuki had broken up with (First name). No one was sure why. (First name) and Yuki had a very healthy relationship and always seemed happy together. "Then why are you staring at her picture?" Yuki looked down, tears threatening to spill out of his gray eyes. "I was just wondering if she ever thinks about me." 

Inuoka sat next to him, sighing. "Well, you're the one who dumped her. Do you even know why you dumped her?" His friend started crying, trying to cover his face. 

"I thought we needed a break, but now everything seems so dull to me."

"Then you better call her."

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now

Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now

And I don't know how I can do without 

I just need you now

When (First name) thought about it, she realized that she needed to call this boy right away. It was 1:30 in the morning, but she didn't care. Even though (First name) swore that she wouldn't go back to Yuki, she had to call him, at least to see why he had dumped her.

Yuki was laying in his room, looking at the ceiling and thinking about what to do. He knew he needed to call her, but he was scared. His door creaked open. He shot up from his bed to see who was at the door. There stood his mother, with a sad face. "Yuki, I know you want to call her." 

He looked at his hands. "But I'm scared." The older woman walked to his bed and sat next to him. "But what's scarier? Calling her or never having her back?" 

A spark lit inside of him in that moment. He picked up his cell phone, but before he could dial a single number, you phone came up. He picked up the call. "(First name)?" 

"Listen here Yuki, I don't care if you don't want to get back together, but I have the right to know why you broke up with me. If you want, I will never talk to you again after this phone call ends." Her voice was angry and sad. Yuki responded. 

"I thought that you were getting tired of me and I thought you might want a break. I love you so much and I want to be with you, but I'm just scared of hurting you," he could hear you crying, tears prickling at the corner of his eyes, "but I need you now"

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