Reader's Treat || Happy

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i thought i'd write a little something special for you 

btw, i'll be your best friend in this chapter *wink wink*

couldn't relax, couldn't sit back

and let the sunlight in my lap

i sang a hymn, to bring me peace 

and then it came, a melody

Life isn't easy. (first name) knew that. But it isn't easy to tell yourself that when something bad happens. School's stressful, family can be dramatic, (ex's name) just dumped them, and work's tiring. One day, as (first name) was walking to their math lecture, their best friend Angel approached them. "Didn't get much sleep again?" (first name) shook their head. 

"Well, why don't we skip class today and do something special." Before the (hair color) haired fe/male could object, the black-haired girl pulled them to god knows where. 

"Close your eyes," the female said. (first name) obeyed, groaning. They couldn't deal with this too. Angel removed her hands from (first name)'s face and as their eyes adjusted, tears filled them. It was a beach. There was a small picnic blanket set up with all their favorite foods and drinks. 

it felt so sweet, it felt so strong

it made me feel like i belonged

and all the sadness inside me

melted away like i was free

Angel dragged (first name) towards the blanket and ordered them to lay down. "Now," she said, "listen to the waves and take deep breaths." (first name) listened to their friend and felt the stress and sadness melt away. "Now, tell me what's stressing you out."

"My parents keep calling me with drama and my boss keeps harassing me. I'm not really sure what to do about it. On top of that, I haven't been able to study as much because of work and the professors are getting mad." 

"That's a lot, but I'm glad you got it out. Do you feel better now?" (first name) nodded as they felt Angel hug them. 

i found what i've been looking for inside myself

found a life worth living for someone else

never thought that i could be 


Angel stroked her best friend's hair as she spoke to them."And listen, just because (ex's name) broke up with you doesn't mean that you're not good enough. They're just missing out on someone as bright and beautiful as you. Don't let them bring you down. I know that you are unique, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that you know how amazing you are." 

(first name) nodded and smiled. "I will find happiness for myself."




sorry if this is weird, but i just really wanted to do this   

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