Karasuno Thrid Years || Arguments

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hello my lovelies! 

italics are flashbacks

"Just admit that it's your fault," Kiyoko's annoyed but sexy voice resounded through the Karasuno gym. All of the third years were currently having an argument. What are they arguing about you ask? Well, it started about an hour ago... 

Practice for the Karasuno volleyball team was going as usual when a certain (hair color) haired third year walked through the doors. "Hey, gu--" They were cut off by a ball hitting them directly in the head. 

Everyone froze,the gym became silent. The second and first years scared of what was to come. As (First name) sat up slowly, they sheepishly laughed, touching their bleeding nose. "O-Oops?"

Suga was the first to run to their aid. "(First name), come here!" Kiyoko joined the gray-haired male, helping up (First name). Daichi told everyone to take a break. Asahi went to the nurse to get some gauze and proper materials. 

Kiyoko sat with the fe/male while the practice resumed, but when it was over, Daichi, Asahi, and Suga came to  (First name)'s side. 

"Are you ok?"
"Did the bleeding stop?"
"Do you have a headache?" 

Kiyoko looked at Asahi with one of her rare annoyed faces. "It was you. You spiked the ball into (First name)'s face." Asahi's face turned white as he stuttered and looked to the ground. 

"R-Really? I-I'm so sorry!" Daichi then had a realization. "Wait, wouldn't it be Suga's fault?" 

"Then it would be your fault for hitting it to me," Suga said staring at Daichi. 

And that's how it started. 

So now, here they were, arguing about who hit the ball into (First name)'s face. But (First name) was starting to get annoyed. Suddenly they stood up, yelling. "It's no one's fault ok! I'm ok so chill." 

Little giggles emerged from Suga, thus creating a snowball effect. Daichi and Asahi started laughing as well, followed by Kiyoko's soft laughs. Last but not least, (First name) started to giggle. 

"Thanks for worrying about me," they said, hugging them all. 

how does one end something like thissss...... ????

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