Chapter 20

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Hey guys! I'm going to be super busy the next couple of days! I'm seeing Catching Fire on Thursday, and my birthday party is on Friday (we are seeing Catching Fire on Friday also!) so I am going to be prepping for it for the next couple of days! This will be a super short chapter and unfortunately there will be NO chapters on Friday! I will try to make up for it with a super long chapter on Sunday maybe! (no promises :p) My mom is actually angry with me because she wants me to help.

I'm totally jamming out to some 80s music while writing this! Ok, maybe my mom is blasting it while she cleans... But I can hear it! Thanks mom!


We sit down after Meghan calms down and get ready for the movie. A preview for Catching Fire comes on and I start to freak out. Justin and Kelsea aren't fazed by it and just continue to watch, but Jordan stares at me like I'm crazy. I smack Kelsea's arm and screech until it's over then I start clapping and cheering, then I sit back in my seat calm again. Kelsea looks ahead as if nothing just happened, and Justin only smiles a little. Jordan looks between us three just completely confused.

"Is nobody going to comment on that?" He says looking around at us all.

"You learn to live with it." Justin says. Jordan looks at Kelsea who shrugs, then he bursts out laughing.

"Wow you I didn't know you liked the Hunger Games that much Marie!" He says still laughing. I look at him with a smile.

"That's not even the half of it." Kelsea mumbles.

"I have read Hunger Games 47 times, Catching Fire 15 times, and Mockingjay 9 times." I say beaming. (That is a true fact about me guys... I am so obsessed it's probably unhealthy...) Jordan looks at me in amazement.

"Wow that's.... interesting..." Justin Kelsea and I laugh. "So I guess by that reaction you are excited for Hunger Games 2?" Jordan asks. Kelsea groans and Justin mumbles profanities under his breath.

"Big mistake..." Justin says to Jordan. I just glare at him, burning a hole through his head with my eyes.

"What did you just say?" I spit at him. Jordan looks at me confused.

"I just said I guess you are excited for-" Justin elbows Jordan in the side, making him stop talking mid sentence.

"It is Catching Fire." I say harshly. "Not Hunger Games 2." Jordan holds his hands up laughing.

"My bad my bad." He says. I continue to glare at him.

"Do you think this is a joke?" I say. His eyes widen and he looks over to Justin, whose head is in his hands, then to Kelsea who is only shaking her head.

"Uh... No?" He says cautiously.

"I'm not speaking to you for the rest of the night." I say turning my head and sticking my nose up into the air.

"Is she serious?" He whispers to Justin.

"Yes, very." Justin says back annoyed. But soon the lights dim and the movie starts and I grab my popcorn out from under my feet. I refuse to eat even a single piece of popcorn until the first character in the movie comes on screen, otherwise it would never last the whole movie. (Another true fact about me!) I snuggle into my chair and begin watch.

Sometime during the movie I feel something touch my hand. Just barely at first, but then more and more, until I feel fingers lace between my own. I look down quickly, with only my eyes and see my hand intertwined with Jordan's. A smile spreads across my face and I continue to watch as if it doesn't faze me. But my heart beats a million times faster than any normal person should. I just hope he can't feel it through my hands. I also hope my hand isn't sweating too bad. Whenever I get nervous my hands sweat. I begin to panic and can't focus on the rest of the movie.

Captainsparklez is holding my hand.


LOOK AT THAT! WE HAVE FINALLY GOT TO THE ROOOOMMMAAAANNNCCCEEE!!! Wow... 20 chapters? That took long enough! Lol, anywhosers, that wasn't as short as it should have been, my mom is getting angry with me because I'm not helping get my party ready.... WHOOPSIES!!! Remember guys, no chapters on Friday! Plus I still need characters! I only have one so far so keep 'em coming!

Vote if you like it and comment if you feel like it!



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