''Did you sleep better tonight?'' Winnow asked, entering the kitchen with a concerned frown.

''It was restless.'' I admitted, lathering some butter onto my toast. ''Tonight if it doesn't change, I'll probably take an extra Gravol.''

''Well, I phoned Araki. She said if this sickness doesn't clear up she'd be able to see you on Monday.''

''Four days?'' I groaned with a pout, munching on my toast and prayed I wouldn't see it come up twenty minutes later with me bent over a toilet.

''Yes, four days. Like she says, we're sure you're fine. You just came down with something, it'll go away.'' I nodded, finishing up my toast while Winnow poured herself some coffee into her to-go mug before we headed out to her Red Honda Fit.

''No one's gonna jump out and scare me, right?'' I asked dryly. ''Because if that's the case, I can't promise I won't spew up my breakfast onto your windshield.''

She snorted, opening up her driver door. ''I'm positive.''

★ ★ ★

''Mr. Archibald.''

''In Jesus name, amen!'' I blurted raising my head from the table. I blinked my eyes sleepily while the class snickered, focusing my attention on Mr. Wales. He was a bald older man with beady eyes that flickered around behind his thick reading glasses. As he opened his mouth to scold me, I was saved by the lunch bell. I sighed in relief, quickly stooping down to grab my bag before making a mad dash out of the classroom.

The lunch rush was wild, students walking in all directions, bumping their shoulders with mine while I kept my eyes peeled for a familiar face. Or rather Carmen's face, considering I didn't have too many friends because I wasn't much of a social butterfly. If this school had a food chain, I'd more than likely be on the bottom.

''Gosh, I hate algebra.'' Carmen exclaimed from beside me, startling me as I turned my head to gape at her which she returned with a simple innocent smile.

''Freakin' ninja.'' I grumbled. ''I swear, you just pop out from nowhere.''

''Are you still in a foul mood? I thought you said you were feeling better.''

''And I was but now, I'm just...moody.''

''Maybe you're bipolar like Carmen.'' Ryder chirped, falling into step beside me with a grin.

''Eat shit, Benjamin.'' She returned angrily. ''I am not bipolar! I just have a low tolerance dealing with your kind!''

''What do you mean my kind?''

''The kind known with stupidity!''

''Someone's on their period. Yeesh, you're hellish today.''

''Yeah? Well you're more idiotic than usual.''

That was pretty much how lunch went, Ryder and Carmen throwing insults back between one another while I listened, smirking or laughing every once in a while from a retort. If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were an old married couple which I'd never say out loud considering I didn't want Carmen to whack me.

She may be on the smaller side but she could pack a whack like a body builder. I'd know considering I've seen the bruises she's left on Ryder's upper arms.

''Anyway, Sophia is gonna be joining us for lunch.'' Ryder stated.

''Great.'' I enthused with false excitement, something I hope he saw through while I mentally groaned before mentally bashing Ryder's head into a nearby locker over and over again. It wasn't that I didn't like Sophia, it was just she was a little dim witted, easily got confused and spoke without filter.

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy (BoyxBoy) (MPreg)Where stories live. Discover now