Where Everything Ends - Part 2

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Chapter 69




Everything was happening too quickly. Elainous?! Trying to kill her?! That's just rubbish.

"Y-You're trying to kill me?!" screamed Scarlet, not intending to shout. Elainous looked at her with a smile, then walked to her, limping. Wait... Limping?

"Does it look like it? Of course, you idiot! Ever since I heard you were at Hogwarts with full powers... I had to act quickly." she walked around the room while her cloak swished behind her. 

It was her.

Malaine - or Elainous- threw her irritable cloak aside, to reveal a large burn on her right leg that Myrtle referred to. Scarlet's gaped at it as Malaine cackled loudly. "Hah! Who'd you think else would! I needed not a single suspicion!" she roared. Everybody turned silent. She snapped her head towards a man and ordered: "Bayard, go fetch her.

Later, Bayard came back holding Raven Jones by the shoulders, then pushed her towards Malaine. She looked at Scarlet with a disappointed expression as Malaine grabbed Raven's chin. "You think my little sister, did it?" The entire room laughed... Well, more likely the Death Eaters. Scarlet thought to herself... So that's why they look so alike... Everybody was quite suspicious why they were so close...

"You think my puny sister, can kill you? I tried to kill you! And once this is done, it's my turn to play with Dark Magic.

"It was I who ordered Raven to go to Hogwarts to fully check you. I ordered her to make you weak. To avoid you unleashing at least one tiny flame of your parents. See, Scarlet, you are powerful. A Fortis Viribus with two skillful parents, who can ever doubt it! I made her torture you. Give as much for you to give up! Why, I even did it myself of brewing polyjuice potion to transform myself into her, and drag your little Sevy away from you. Who did you think tried to kidnap you? Those were my men! And believe me, if only Krane did not make that noise, I would have succeeded! Even with your little staff!

"Who did you think own the large beast? My Hebridean Black was mine! My sister was ordered to control it, even if she wanted to disobey. It is I who owns the necklace. I am the one who loved dragons. I had to see you. I need to know who was my opponent. I dropped those chains on you when I heard you completely have your powers. That, I worked sleepless nights building those Incendium while my hands burned. And when foolish Minerva finally let you out to babysit that bloody pigeon, I wished to see you up close. You knew me as Elainous. Nobody knew what my surname was, except numerous of people, and you know why? I had the capability to erase each tiny detail about the name Malaine. It was a conflict though as many were familiar with the nam. I came as a visitor from the Ministry to investigate upon some attacks upon a innocent student.

"The Lunatic Duo. It was true. You finally know who I am, the Carter Prophecy, and my intentions on you, Scarlet. I had to. If you were born to stop me from ruling the world, then it must be done. I figured out that if I destroy you, you're powers will be the last piece of the puzzle. I ordered every witch & wizard I knew who wanted Voldemort to rise, and said to bring you to me. If only you and little Snape had not have the chance to escape, I would've killed you right in front of hundreds of eyes! My powers are my key to avenge my parents rights! That girl who my men attacked? My orders. That broom incident? It wasn't my sister who tried to kill your friend. It was me. But I failed. No... I needed one last chance. 

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