The Cut In The Cheek

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I was walking around in my Animagus form in the Forbidden Forest with Diesel. "So, has my little wolf pup found a little love in her life?"

I turned into my human form, as he did, I smacked him right across the face. "Diesel!" I exclaimed, he laughed and rolled his eyes. "But... I think I do..."

"You think?! My little wolf pup is very beatiful! It's impossible that no one is falling for you!" He said, and smiled. "Diesel, every now and then, the guy who flirts with me, they're not really worth it." I replied, crossing my arms. "But you didn't ignore this one, didn't you?" He asked, grinning like a lunatic. "Maybe I didn't...." I muttered, he chuckled when Max walked to us. "Hey, Diesel, Toby's calling you. I'll talk to Scarlet for awhile." He told him, as Diesel turned into a wolf again and ran the direction where Max's been.

"So, I heard you've been close with the man you've saved?" he asked, my eyes widened. "No! And how would you know that?!" I exclaimed. "My neice studies at Hogwarts too. The man is named... Snape, was it?"

Good lord, even the pack knows.

"Yes... It was." I replied sheepishly. "Well, then don't be ashamed! Love is hard to find these days! Go rock life." I chuckled, hugging Max. But the gate to the Forbidden Forest opened. "I'll see who it is." I said and turned to my Animagus. Creeping through some bushes, it was Snape.

He was looking around trying to find something... Or me.

He stared at the rattling bush and saw me. "You can come out..." he said gently, kneeling. I sensed the pack was watching and giggling silently. Taking a deep breath, I sat beside him. "Thanks for saving me the other day, I owe you my life." He thanked, and scratched the bottom of my ear, making me growl of satisfaction. In the corner of my eye, I could see Zhoe and Pluto giggling, and wagging their tails.

Rolling my eyes, I lied down and leaned my head on his leg. "It's very odd that a wolf is friendly like you..." he added, smiling. He's showing his kind and caring side... To me... Scarlet, not a damn wolf!

Snape turned my face, and looked at my left cheek. Oh no, the cut! "Whats this...?" he asked, gently touching it. I don't know why but I couldn't move, he looked into my eyes, and there goes another clue of who this crap of a wolf is.

"Those amber eyes... No..." he muttered. Merlin, I need to hide my identity! I mean there are like a billion students at Hogwarts, he won't recognize it's me... Right?

Well, it's sure isn't that they have a bruise in their left arm, a cut in the left cheek, and freakin' amber eyes! A voice in my head shouted.

Snape'll kill me...

"I-I need to go. I have to find someone..." he said, standing up. Oh no, he might look for me!

As he left the Forest, I changed back into a human, and bolted to the castle. But Snape already got there. He knocked at the Gryffindor common room, when it opened, I hid between a gargoyle, and watched. "May I see, Ms. Carter."

Shit sherlock.

"Sir, she left 2 hours ago." Wait... That was Xander! Good lord, everything is falling apart. "Where did she go?" he asked, "um, I think she's busy. She didn't mention where she'll go." Xander replied. I sighed in relief, but held my breath and hid as Snape looked at my direction. "Well then tell her I must see her." And Snape rushed away, leaving his cloak swishing all over the place.

"You can come out now." Xander called out, I ran to him and hugged him tightly. "You're a life saver!" I told him, as he hugged back. "Just doing what a friend should do." And we both entered the common room. "Scarlet, you should stop wolfing! It's dangerous, besides, Snape wants to see-"

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