Now We're Almost Even

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"I beg for your pardon?" exclaimed Scarlet with disbelief. "Would you like to sleep in my room with me from now on?"

"I-I... Just.... Goodness... Wow."


"Heck yeah!"

Absent-mindedly, the witch hugged me tightly. But as she realized her actions she awkwardly broke the hug away and looked at me sheepishly. I couldn't help but chuckle, then gestured her to the room in a flirty manner, that caused her to widen her eyes and run in. She was staring around the room while I quickly unbottoned my robes one by one. "And what are these?" Scarlet said surprisingly. As I looked towards her, I was in complete panic mode. "Are... these the flowers I found the night during my detention? That night you saved me?" she asked laughing. "Why are they still here? Aren't they for Professor Jones?" she added. What in the bloody hell.

"Raven?! Why would I give her flowers?!" I asked her like she was insane. "Well... You know..."

"They were for you."

Well, I just instantly shut her up for a good minute. "F-For me?" she repeated like the idea was just crazy. "Yes, witch. For you."

"Why would I deserve flowers?" she asked, taking them, and stroking the black petals. Oh don't get the wrong idea. Just because the rose was color black didn't mean they were for the dead. Black isn't an evil color. If a villain were to love another color? For example, pink? And don't tell me I'm wrong. I know one annoying brat that is obsessed with the color pink. "I wanted to say that I was sorry. I should've fought back."

"Fought back?"

I decided to change the subject, & shook my head. "Nevermind that. Keep them, they're charmed to stay alive." I told her. "Thank you, Sev!" she said, and hugged me again, but now longer. "So what was your nightmare about?"

Scarlet looked up to me, and gulped nervously. "W-W-Well... I can't really explain it....." I knew she was lying. "Scarlet, the truth." I told her slowly. "A-A... A wizard tried to touch me. Pinned me up against the wall... And was like forcing me"

"What I have in mind touch, or the adult touch?" I asked with the same tone earlier, not showing the slightest effort of being concerned... Yet. "The adult touch?" she replied, like she wasn't sure. "Thank Merlin it was only a nightmare." I muttered to myself. "Is someone jealous?" she said quietly, that only the both of us cam hear. "No."

"Well, you know. You actually saved me by punching him to the floor."

"I did?"

"Oh, yes. Very brave indeed. He looked quite scary, in fact, scarily familiar." she added.

"So we're even now?" I asked. Scarlet gave me a bewildered expression & tilted her head. "Sorry?" Trying to figure out what I just said. "We're even now."
"Whay did I do? I don't remember punching anybody?" she said. "Not that, genius. The dream."

I gestured her to look at me, and rolled down my collar to reveal my neck.

It took her 5 seconds to realize. "The brat! When I get my hands on her, she'll... She'll... Ugh!" I chuckled at her reaction, and lifted her head to look at me. "Scarlet, I'm only one call away. So whenever you need me, I'll be there for you always. We stick together no matter what, thick or thin. Alright?" I told her. Scarlet was a little tall for her age, but she stood on her tip toes and kissed my jaw line. "I love you, Sev."


The next morning, I jumped off the bed, to see Scarlet at my arm chair, who seemed to be fixing her robes. It was a school day... Meaning I have to fight my way to live, unfortunately, again.

But ever since Scarlet returned for her 6th year my mood change rather. She chose to be a Potions Mistress when she grows up, meaning she needs to attend to Potions more than twice a day. Other subjects are more of Defence Against The Dark Arts, or Herbology. Speaking of DADA, how come I didn't continue teaching it? Perhaps my life has too much experience with Dark Arts, that seeing a boggart once more makes me feel uncomfortable. And Potions is the only choice I can make of teaching the dunderheads for around 10 months.

" 'Morning, Sev" Scarlet greeted me, as I went to my closet, grabbing my usual oufit. "Good morning. Did you wake up early?" I asked. She nodded her head & I went inside the shower to get ready.

As I got out, we were both ready to go, when Scarlet held out her hand, motioning me to halt. She stood to her tip toes once more, and rubbed her thumb against my chin. "Dirt." she whispered, & happily walked with me to the Great Hall, as my hand lightly rested atop her shoulder. "I'll see ya, Sev."



Just like everyday, History of Magic was still a bore to everybody. Professor Binn's dull voice seemed to have a Sleeping Draught effect, that half of the class were already asleep. His pearl white and transparent body floated along the classroom, as he taught them about a powerful young werewolf, which gave no interest to the students at all. Scarlet was merely paying attention either. And Lyanna, who was as kind enough to copy her notes for her. Xander, meanwhile, was in the very back of the class, snoring lightly, as Scarlet accidentally told him that there was a spell where you can sleep with your eyes open.

"25.... 29..... 32.... 37....." Scarlet muttered to herself, as she watched the two hands of time tick one by one. It was like the world somehow slowed down, and made everybody tired... More like the feeling you get during muggle math class. As 3 minutes were now left till the 6th years free period, everybody was now quietly chanting down to 1 second. "3..... 2.....1....... 59. 58. 57.........10. 9. 8....... 3. 2. 1!!!"

Just as the second the bell rang, every student raced out of the room, that left Professor Binn's shocked as a gust of wind flew by caused by the students. As everybody arrived at the common room, all were doing everything. Homework, projects, essays, while the others who have finished the night before, were talking about the Apparition training flier hung upon the announcements. "Are you guys taking it?" Xander asked, not bothering to look up as his hand wrote quickly in rythm. "Yeah!"


All of them looked at Scarlet, who shook her head with a smile. "Not really. I've done it before, and trust me, not really my type." she told them. "You've done it before?!" Arabella asked in awe. She nodded her head at her question, but her head snapped towards Lyanna as she told her something. "You don't even realize it. You're perfect y'know."

"Sorry, perfect?" Scarlet repeated confusingly. "Yeah."

"Why would you say that? I'm far from perfect."

"Yes you are!" Lyanna protested. "Then tell me why."

"You're pretty and beautiful."

"Which is the reason why I'm so uncomfortable when I hear a lot of wizards fancy me. Even older wizards do. Everybody thinks I'm a great witch just because of my appearance, when the truth is, I'm not." she replied calmly.

Lyanna arched an eyebrow. "Alright... You're very smart."

"I'm not smart as Lyanna Roberts. You get O's on all subjects, and you're more wiser than a Ravenclaw. Yeah, I can think logic, but not as smart as you and Hermione."

"Well then, you have powers!"

"Just because I have powers doesn't mean my life is just combined of magical unicorns and pretty rainbows or diamonds. As a young witch, muggles called me a freak. People tend to get scared of me because I'm different... I'm not normal."

"Oh, stop it Scarlet. Just accept it! You're perfect!"

"I won't, because I'm not."


'Ey guys! Idk really what was the point of the chapter, but we need to get serious.


My school starts in about 2 days and I hope you understand. So from now, it might be a bit rare ever since I can publish a chapter. I'll write a Author's Note.... Sorry if I dissapointed some of you guys.


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