The Doe And The Stag

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Thank God, Xander is finally out of the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey healed him within a heartbeat, but he still needs to work his right arm. I was walking along the corridors of Hogwarts once again, when I thought I heard laughing inside a classroom. I didn't really mind... I was more lost in the thought of what happened to Talahad and Donatello. What happened to them -? Wait. Did I just hear someone shout my name..? "Scarlet!" Arabella gasped, pulling me inside. The classroom I was in was rather dark when finally my eyes adjusted. I smiled when I saw glowing figures running around me.


Dogs, cats, giraffes (wait, what?), lions, pandas, koala bears, foxes, birds, peacocks, all were there, glowing around their casters."Hey, Scarlet!" my classmates greeted me as animals shot out of their wands. I waved back at them, when all eyes landed on me. "What?" I asked with a laugh. "Your patronus, silly!" a Gryffindor shouted from the back of the room. "It's obvious mine is a wolf, isn't it?" I said, but all of them insisted me to show it. Nope. No reason can help me escape. "Alright..." I whispered, biting my lip nervously and drew my wand out.


My mood darkened as Scarlet finally went off, but as I passed Filius' classroom, the sound of Gryffindor's roaring of laughter spilled through the small space at the bottom of the door. That wasn't the reason my curiosity started to rise in me.

It was because the sound of Scarlet's giggle made my heart leap.

I slowly opened the door, and peaked in to see all of the students' patronus. I suddenly smiled when in the middle of the room was, Scarlet... after many days... she was finally smiling. None of the patronuses look similar to people I know, when I heard a student shout at Scarlet: "Your patronus, silly!"

My cloak and hair blended well with the lighting so I stepped in to watch her cast it.

"Alright..." Scarlet whispered, and waved her wand. "...Expecto Patronum!" we all expected a silver wolf to jump out... but no. Everybody squealed with excitement as my jaw dropped to the floor & my smile faded away due to shock.

"Is that a doe?"

Scarlet looked at everybody with confusion as she held her wand. "Did you guys cast it?" but they shook their heads. I, not looking away from the witch, slowly reached for my wand, pointed it at her direction, & muttered: "Expecto Patronum."

A Stag.

It's, surprisingly, short antlers held up high with arrogance, that I rolled my eyes. The stag pranced towards the doe and walked around it curiously. Almost the entire classroom shrieked barely human.


My mouth was slightly open & I couldn't move a muscle. "Scarlet!" Lyanna screamed, shaking me back and forth. "What?!?!"

"Do. You. Know. What. This. Means?!" she asked excitedly. "No... I didn't get a chance to have my advanced reading -"

'"No, witch! I mean, your OWN SOULMATE IS IN THIS CLASSROOM!"

Soulmate... really?

My eyes were still wide as everybody kept on asking if I was dating someone already. Meanwhile, Xander with a mischievous smirk upon his face, gestured for me to look at the door. My eyes locked with black, and the figure bolted out of the door. That wasn't Sev... was he?

I looked at my doe as both animals walked circles around me. The stag's short antlers made me laugh when all of a sudden: "Why are the antlers short? Is it because -"

"It does't represent anything, Jackson. Trust me, it doesn't."

And I continued to watch as all of the silver glowing animals pranced, walked, flew, ran, or climbed around the room.


"Good evening, Sev..." I said quietly entering the room as Severus held the Daily Phrophet to his face. "Good evening, darling." he replied, dropping the paper, and stood up. I placed my bag by the corner to see his eyes fixed up on me. "Is something bothering you?" I asked playfully. He shook his head and looked away. "How was your day?" he asked forcing back a smile. I arched an eyebrow, sitting down beside him. "Nice. Yours?" I answered leaning my head on his shoulder. Okay, just one question. How do I make him say he was the one that cast the patronus.

I mean, I could brew Veritasum, but that'll be just illegal.

"I was in, er-charms today..." I started awkwardly. He looked at me as though he were interested. "And I actually found out that my patronus has the same kind at Hogwarts! A male!"

He just nodded. Why does this remind me of those scenes of a daughter trying to explain her love life to her dad.


I must've startled him, because next thing I knew, he jumped off his chair.

"You didn't react! You were the stag at the classroom!" I laughed, as he shook his head innocently. "No... I didn't..."


I grabbed his collar, smirked, and looked into his eyes. I was intending to make my eyes glow purple, but he was so close. Not even thinking, I brushed my lips with his.

This just gave him a WIN WIN, really. But c'mon! What would you do in situations like this!

He planned this, dammit.

His hands caressed my cheeks, as my arms wrapped around his neck gently. He was gentleman, indeed. But, once you turn him on, there is no way your going back. He kissed me sweetly, and pulled away smirking to himself. I pushed his shoulder slightly. "You get what you want, don't you?" I asked and watched the man laugh hysterically. "I do, darling. I always do."

"And you won't give me what I want?"


"Who cast the patronus -and yeah maybe you-, but you get the idea!"

He placed a finger under my chin, making me look up to him. "Maybe I did..."
Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! I wish I can type more, but I have two tests in a couple of weeks, so I hope you're alright IF I don't update. I'm not really Hermione-smart, so I need to study. (FACT ABOUT ME: In my class, we are all 47 students. And yes, in only ONE classroom). I might consider just deleting this chapter in the future though... Hope you guys are enjoying your day, and I'll see ya!


So I asked YOU guys if you'd like to know which grade I'm in. Haha, please don't laugh at me. So a few commented and said I was in 8TH GRADE.

Did you guys really think I was that young/old?


6th grade.

Okay, did I make you topple down your chair? Maybe not. It's pretty obvious. I don't write much smut because I'm pretty disturbed and I write like a foreigner. Let's be honest, guys. So, I hope that DOES NOT make you stop reading this story or change the way you look at me 'cause that's how you met me at the start. That's how I really act. Pfft why do I talk so weird. I'll see you guys?


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