The Christmas Dance

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Just to tell you guys that there is a teeny-weeny bit of Disney in this chap. Bye!

As me and Professor Snape walked into the Great Hall, my eyes darted everywhere, the place looked so... Amazing!

"Didn't they just decorate today?" I asked him with curiousity in my voice, "yes. Flitwick has quite the talent. Here, we can stay there."


After McGonagall gave her speech, music burst out, making me laugh. All of the guys danced with their dates, when I noticed Snape was looking somewhere else. It was Professor Felixa, she was sitting down with a pout on her face. "Go, dance with her." I told him, he looked at me with a confused expression. "As much as I want to, I don't want to leave my date." his eyes saying he wouldn't want to leave me. "It's alright, she looks a bit lonely." I said, giving him a smile. "Don't worry, I'll promise you a dance later." He said making me melt in his voice, and walked to Professor Felixa.

But I noticed something was missing. Oh right, it isn't a party if Xander hasn't start singing or dancing. I spotted him sitting down, searching the room. I went to him, and gently tapped his shoulder. He looked at me with surprise. "You look... Beautiful. Not that you aren't... Just more." he said with awe, I laughed at him and tilted my head. "Whats the matter?" I asked, "it's my date. She danced with another guy."

I looked over to Snape and he was already dancing with Felixa. Xander, meanwhile, was trying so hard to ask me to dance, so I asked him to. "Dance with me." I told him, grabbing his arm. "W-What?" He stuttered awkwardly. We stood in the middle of the dance floor. I gently placed his arm on my waist and took his hand. He was nervous at first, but later he became more confident. "Who's your date?" I asked as we avoided a couple who almost bumped into us. "Serena Philippes, but she ditched me for Zabini Blaise." He replied, twirling me around.

"She ditched you?" I whispered in disbelief. But the music stopped. "Let's take a break." I suggested, he nodded his head and we both sat at a nearby table. Serena came rushing towards us. "Xander! There you are! My date left me-"

"Your date? But you're talking to him right now!" I said, arching an eyebrow. "The girl's right, what do you mean your date?" Xander exclaimed. Serena flushed red, and turned to see Zabini now dancing with Pansy Parkinson. "I-I mean, my friend left me! You know I can never leave you! Now come, we need to dance near their table-"

"You're just using me! Luckily, Scarlet was here to acompany me. Find another unlucky guy to dance with you."

"Why you little -"


And with one last deadly glance at me, Serena ran to another guy. "Creep, never liked her anyway." Xander muttered, making us both laugh. "Wait, this won't change anything, right?" He asked awkwardly, while taking a bite out of a marshmallow dipped in chocolate. "Yep. No matter what, we're still in the best friend zone." I replied, "good. I've been eyeing out for that Ravenclaw girl that talked to me the other day."

"Xander, no matter how weird I think of you, you're still my bestfriend."

"Hey, so who's the lucky mystery guy, that's your date?" Xander asked, I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh, well, it's S-" Later, Lyanna burst out of the crowd. "Xander! Scarlet! Come on! Group dance!" She shouted, Xander stood up, but I shook my head. "I'll be outside if anybody needs me." I told them. Lyanna gave me a thumbs up, as I walked to the courtyard.

I brought out my Christmas Cloak that I put inside my enchanted purse, and put it on (A/N: why does this always remind me of Beauty and The Beast; 🎶Something There🎶?). The hood fell off, so I put it back on. "I did promised you a dance..." A voice said beside me. "Professor!" I exclaimed, as the Potions Master twirled me around. "I'm getting quite bored with Snape and Professor. Call me Severus." He requested, I nodded with a soft laugh. "Why do you always laugh?" he asked, "I was the little happy kid of the group. I find almost everything funny."

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora